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Bipods - are you still using it or is it taking up space in the shed now?


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To all that bought bipods, are you still using them after a couple of games or have they been retired? 

I’ve got Krytac Trident SPR with an LPVO , a suppressor and low profile mags, so from the looks a bipod would go with this RIF but I am not sure whether it will be a good addition or just a useless weight addition (to an already heavy gun).


I do like going prone but I would say that is only about 30% of the time (and less if it is wet and muddy),

Back in the days when going prone I never used to hold the gun (a real G3) up with my left arm but we would rest the gun on something and then provide support with both elbows on the ground and the left hand pushing the stock into the shoulder (the G3 had a real kick).

I know you don’t need to do that with airsoft guns but your left arm doesn’t get tired holding up the gun.

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I tried for a while, but found myself disconnecting it for weight saving more than i was using it in-game over simply mono-poding on the magazine..


But if you think it looks cool, and you use it enough to be cool with carrying it, then play on.

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In short - yes, I still use bipods. A lot.


In long...

Yes. I still use bipods, though I have removed them from certain guns and keep them on others (none are sitting idle, all my bipods are on a gun). I found that they were pointless for my VSRs, which are very lightweight rifles so it's no problem for me to hold them up for prolonged periods of time. Worst case I rest them against the ground and then slowly (so I don't get spotted) raise them if I need to shoot something. I don't run a bipod on my faux wood m14, since that's for Vietnam games and Harris bipods don't look the part, and I don't have one on my m14 socom, since that's designed around the idea of a recce rifle, which you want to be as light as possible while still being a longer distance rifle, as it's a rifle you're supposed to be doing recce with, which is a lot of movement over a lot of distance, and carrying unnecessary weight for that is bad; I know these things aren't important to airsoft, but muh immersion! Bipods aren't great for recce builds!


However, I still run a bipod on both of my gas bolt actions (KJW m700s, one of which is in an m40a5 stock) as they're heavier anyway and if I'm lying in a spot, which happens a lot, I don't want to have to support the weight of that for long periods of time. I also run a bipod on my HPA m14, SR-25 and my MWS (the one set up as a mk12) for similar reasons. I use them all like sniper rifles and tend to find myself set up lying prone for long periods of time playing this way, since it's a great way to remain undetected. Also, my m249 has a bipod built in and I use that to deploy the gun to rain BBs on a position. It is heavy and will always be heavy, because LMG...


Basically, anything I run like a sniper rifle, with the VSR and faux wood m14 as exceptions, I run a bipod on since I find myself going prone a lot and having to hold lines for long periods of time. I don't always deploy it as sometimes I can rest it on something else, like a log, stone or the ground if I'm cresting over the top of an incline. Considering most of the guns I use are already pretty heavy, in part because a lot of them are gas guns, a bipod isn't that much more added weight and is very useful for how I play.


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Yarp, it's play-style dependent.  I've tried bipods on a boltie and a DMR, but I don't have the patience to make use of them.  If I'm not shooting, I'd rather move.  In terms of weight, I'd rather carry more ammo.

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Just for a laugh i put my G3 bipod on my (already ridiculously heavy) AUG. Looked awesome but alas, made it too bulky to hold and actually use. 

(already ridiculously heavy because of the sound deadening and scope that i was using... :) )

So off it all came. Might put it on the L96 but tbh not sure. 

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Useful if you're gonna be prone for a while and not wanting to give your position away while reloading or hitting your radio etc. Even then, a lot of places I end up prone are too uneven for a bipod to be super useful. 


Still, I tend to run one for when I have some nice flat ground to lie down on. 

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Currently have 11 pews fitted with bipods, just for looks really, 5 are snipers, 3 LMG's, 1 Famas & 2 foregrip bipods on L85's, only 1 of them are a pew I use in game tho.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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