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HPA Tapped Mags dont hold enough Air


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Hey there. This is my first go on HPA so i may have a rly simple issue i just cant figure out.
I tapped my Gas mags for my AAP01. after connecting it to the HPA System i get about 4-5 shots out of the Mag. after that it starts to fall off and i get the typical "out of Gas" sound.
I am Using the Balystik HPR800C 2 Line Regulator with the fitting Bottle from Balystik and Deluxe HPR Lines from Balystik. 
My regulator is set to 100psi and my Bottle is at around 1500PSI. Since i had to Pump it manually i thought half the Filling would be enough for testing.


Short vid of how it looks and sounds

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I don't know shit about hpa (other than your all cheats😜), but surely your mag capacity isn't the issue, doesn't the hpa cylinder & all the gubbins in between remain connected & continue to feed said mag for as long as there is sufficient pressure on your bottle/tank ? 

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As above, I suspect that your bottle simply isn't at high enough pressure - the feed of air should be continuous. Possibly your regulator could need a service if it is on the old side, but I strongly suspect that you simply haven't got your bottle up to a high enough pressure with your stirrup pump.

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1 hour ago, The_Lord_Poncho said:

As above, I suspect that your bottle simply isn't at high enough pressure - the feed of air should be continuous. Possibly your regulator could need a service if it is on the old side, but I strongly suspect that you simply haven't got your bottle up to a high enough pressure with your stirrup pump.

Either that or there is a blockage restricting the pressure building up quickly enough after shooting? 🤷🏼‍♂️

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So, off the bat.


It sounds like a regulator refresh rate issue. This could be mitigated by ramping up the pressure on the regulator - but you’ll want to check with a chrono what your gun’s output power ends up at.


Increasing the psi doesn’t make a directly proportional increase in power, in fact, you may find that you get little to no change in output as the rocket valve still closes at the same rate, but the cycling should become significantly more responsive and snappy.


Finally, I’ve learnt not to trust the gauges on regulators. Take it as an approximation of the pressure. I have two Speed Pro regs that give wildly different results when both are set to the same pressure. Increase the pressure until your gun cycles reliably and use whatever the gauge says as your reference for where it needs to be in the future

Edited by Alimcd
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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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