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General HPA question...


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I'm not planning on going down the HPA route but I do have a question about it...


I see HPA adaptors for sale in the classifieds, can these simply be connected to a GBBR via the magwell (assuming a tank etc is also attached) & have the GBBR work properly?


Asking because I'm confused as I see HPA connected via the pistol grip & some via the magwell.



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3 minutes ago, gavinkempsell said:

I'm not planning on going down the HPA route but I do have a question about it...


I see HPA adaptors for sale in the classifieds, can these simply be connected to a GBBR via the magwell (assuming a tank etc is also attached) & have the GBBR work properly?


Asking because I'm confused as I see HPA connected via the pistol grip & some via the magwell.



To HPA a GBBR, you’d need a “tap” that goes into the magazines and replaces the gas port. It’s essentially a replacement for green gas. 

The grip ones are usually AEG, which involves an “engine”. 

By no means an expert though!

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1 minute ago, JinxDuh said:

The grip ones are usually AEG, which involves an “engine”. 

that would explain the engine I just saw advertised.

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When you tap a GBBR to run on HPA, you are just replacing the source and type of gas from green gas to compressed air. If you have a magwell adaptor, it goes in the magwell and your free to use a normal hi cap or mid cap mag as the gas is no longer stored in the magazine, it is now fed into the gas parts either by a hose that is part of the adaptor or, by replacing the magazine gas fill valve with an hpa adaptor valve.  Of course, if you use a fill valve replacement, you still have the low capacity of a gas mag but you are pumping hpa compressed air through the mag instead of filling it with green gas.

Edited by Mad dog 49
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26 minutes ago, gavinkempsell said:

I'm not planning on going down the HPA route but I do have a question about it...


I see HPA adaptors for sale in the classifieds, can these simply be connected to a GBBR via the magwell (assuming a tank etc is also attached) & have the GBBR work properly?


Asking because I'm confused as I see HPA connected via the pistol grip & some via the magwell.



Correct. You have to gut a gas magazine for certain bits to able to run it on HPA though.


You could tap each magazine as well but no one does it nowadays it's just not an efficient way to play.

Grip line is an hpa engine.

Edited by Krisz
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See here for a starter FAQ on HPA:




As per the above posters, converting an airsoft gun to HPA would generally be:

AEG - Designed to operate an electric motor that runs a piston to create a small quantity of compressed air into a chamber to launch your BB

Convert an AEG with an HPA engine, which is fed from an air system.

The AEGs magazine only contains BBs, which means you can still switch magazines as required 


Gas - Designed to operate with a small quantity of gas released into the chamber, typically pre-filled in a pressurised compartment of the magazine allowing you to prefill your chosen number of magazines and switch as required 

Converting these involves replacing the magazine fill valve with an HPA valve nipple then running a feed from an air system while you play.

As GBB magazines contain their BBs and gas, which gets replaced by the air feed then you can either just use one magazine (which would be the norm) or need to detach & re-attach the airsource if you change magazine for more BBs

Of course you could use a sealed HPA valve and pre fill an amount of compressed air enabling you to fill and swap magazines - but it won’t be capable of holding full HPA pressures and would have limited HPA shot capacity as the stored air decreases pressure with each shot

(other typical gases generally go to a liquid state when filled under pressure in the magazine, expanding in their gaseous state as released to the firing chamber


Dedicated HPA guns are designed from the start to operate with compressed air, and can have their nipple feed in a ‘convenient’ location 

These may have integral regulators embedded in the gun allowing for the cylinders standard output to be fed into the nipple, or as seen on most airsoft HPA systems in the classifieds need an inline regulator as well ensuring a lower operating pressure is delivered to the gun



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If you want something with recoil and hpa there's the tipman guns failing that a Daytona but that's an old system.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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