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Predator m16a2 mws?

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I know a proportion of us love a movie replica, but a good few beers and predator on film 4.... damn I want to build a m16a2 with the under barrel gl. 


I know someone here must have done it, as angrygun produce the receiver set,  someone please put me out of my misery and show me a build as its a wish list for me, and not likely to get done anytime soon.


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Take a closer look https://www.imfdb.org/wiki/Predator_(1987) not seen a barrel mounted GL with that trigger group, as the WIKI says I think it was a 39mm flare launcher. Also think its an A1/AR15. 


The first Airsoft gun I bought from long defunct Airsoft Dynamics was a TM M16A1 with a Tri Shot GL launcher. Was lovely even with the 3 part barrel. 


I say you should trust the beer and have at it.  

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As is/was usual, the film gun is a real mash up, but I think most of us who want this look just want 'an M16' with the relevant  issued heatshield type handguard and the longer barreled M203; most of the details aren't noticeable to the vast majority of people.  This is something I'm working on myself atm (in AEG form).


It's definitely an awful lot cheaper to do as an AEG I'll say that.  If TM released an MWS line M16 it'd cut an awful lot of cost to say the least, but it's hard to say if that'll happen.  They haven't done a 20" AR in a very long time far as I can recall, but they're pretty unpredictable and the M16/M16+203 combo has had some big exposure of late.  I actually had some of the handguards (real and replica) bookmarked on a few sites and watched them almost in real time vanish from being in stock after a garand thumb aired video a short while back.

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First fun I bought was a second hand Classic Army M4A1, with an M203. The rifle was ok, the launcher was crap, it weighed a ton but Christ, it looked the shit! The urge to shout "Knock, knock!" or, predictably "Say hello to my little friend!" before firing the MOSCART was immense 😂


Pretty sure between all the 3D printer dudes and engineers around, you could get a head shield built and, for the authentic Dutch-look, a barrel extension to the M203. Depends how deep your pockets are.



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I've just ordered one from Dave's custom airsoft, only been a few days since I ordered it so not expecting delivery for a couple of weeks.

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Well it might have to stay wish list for a while as I've just started pricing it up, but mws is now at the top of the list, bumping the akx down a spot. 

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  On 06/08/2023 at 10:04, concretesnail said:

mws is now at the top of the list



I bought a second MWS and was pretty shocked (don't know why tbh) at how the prices have shot up in the UK. 


I got my first from Fire Support with three extra mags a couple of years ago for around £550. Now the gun alone is around that.


I used WGC Shop in Hong Kong instead,  and they were great. I think it took about 12 days from order to delivery, and even with £90+ shipping, I saved over £100 on the price. 

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  On 06/08/2023 at 23:30, C-Diddy said:


I bought a second MWS and was pretty shocked (don't know why tbh) at how the prices have shot up in the UK. 


I got my first from Fire Support with three extra mags a couple of years ago for around £550. Now the gun alone is around that.


I used WGC Shop in Hong Kong instead,  and they were great. I think it took about 12 days from order to delivery, and even with £90+ shipping, I saved over £100 on the price. 



Did you not have to pay import tax or anything?

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No, no extra charges. All included in the shipping charge I think

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I have a G&P M16/M203 AEG that I'd sell for the right price if anyone is interested.

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  On 07/08/2023 at 17:45, C-Diddy said:

No, no extra charges. All included in the shipping charge I think



That sounds like luck tbh, I had a quick flick through their site and couldn't see them saying they pre-pay import VAT for the UK (unless it's really buried in some document I couldn't find).  I've used them many times and one occasion was only a few months back; I might've gotten lucky once or twice long ago but mostly I've paid import VAT and fees etc.  As with any import the chances of that and associated cost all varies by the time of year, courier used, paperwork, who at customs gets your package and how much they care if they do in fact decide to open or do anything with it at all.  Obviously it should always be the same every time legally speaking, but that's been my experience having imported stuff a few times a year for longer than I want to admit 🧓


Personally I've switched to mostly getting RIFs in the UK, where possible anyway (if it's not here and I still want it then I'll happily import).  Varies case by case of course but it's usually worked out to be right around the same price or sometimes cheaper here.  Right now I want an ICS DD Mk18 and the 2 best prices I've found are WGC or F-S:





After shipping and the likely VAT the F-S route is a good deal cheaper, will get here a lot quicker with less chance of loss or damage, better warranty practicalities and no chance of kevin the world's coolest man at customs ringing you up to have an argument because he doesn't know the VCRA.

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  On 08/08/2023 at 10:24, TheFull9 said:


That sounds like luck tbh, I had a quick flick through their site and couldn't see them saying they pre-pay import VAT for the UK (unless it's really buried in some document I couldn't find).  I've used them many times and one occasion was only a few months back; I might've gotten lucky once or twice long ago but mostly I've paid import VAT and fees etc.  As with any import the chances of that and associated cost all varies by the time of year, courier used, paperwork, who at customs gets your package and how much they care if they do in fact decide to open or do anything with it at all.  Obviously it should always be the same every time legally speaking, but that's been my experience having imported stuff a few times a year for longer than I want to admit 🧓


Personally I've switched to mostly getting RIFs in the UK, where possible anyway (if it's not here and I still want it then I'll happily import).  Varies case by case of course but it's usually worked out to be right around the same price or sometimes cheaper here.  Right now I want an ICS DD Mk18 and the 2 best prices I've found are WGC or F-S:





After shipping and the likely VAT the F-S route is a good deal cheaper, will get here a lot quicker with less chance of loss or damage, better warranty practicalities and no chance of kevin the world's coolest man at customs ringing you up to have an argument because he doesn't know the VCRA.



I hear you, and I must admit, I umm-ed-and ahh-ed about going overseas for a RIF for a good while.


I've used WGC once before, when I bought a few Guns Modify P-Mags, and again, no additional charges. I ordered a charging handle the other day so we'll see if third time's a charm!


I do generally go for UK retailers (with FS a particular favourite) especially for RIFs, but the price difference was too good to pass up, even with the risk of additional charges. 


Good luck with your Mk18, wherever you choose 👍


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I had a think back and I did indeed get a customs bill from my last order with WGC a few months back, so yeah definitely a toss of the coin type situation.  I only mention it as I've long been a fan of importing most stuff given the much wider product range available outside of the UK, but I do want people to do it properly and have the extra 20-25% cash set aside.  If you do have that and you get lucky then hey mega bonus, you're in the money, treat the mrs - but if you don't have it and you bring in a £500 parcel then an extra unplanned bill of well over £100 is going to be horrendous.

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Absolutely right. I usually only go overseas for parts, due to wider availability, as you say. Never had a charge from the Far East but have from Europe and Australia.


And by 'treat the Mrs' you mean, buy something extra for yourself as it was all airsoft money, right?! 



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