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G&G GEC36 The lonely owner's thread


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I might be all on my lonesome in this thread ;)

Looking around t'web, I don't think there are many of these beautifully built guns actually in user's hands. 



However, I thought it worth starting this thread just in case, as I have a question (and luckily it might not be super-specific to this model):

I didn't realise, but this gun has a built-in MOSFET.  I wasn't entirely sure I believed that, and so watched a disassembly video, and indeed there are signal wires leading to an external MOSFET held in the front handguard (along with a blade fuse)


Does this mean I'm safe using an 11.1v battery? 

Presumably the trigger contacts will be safeguarded, but should I be worrying about stripping pistons etc? 
Just how good a reputation do G&G V3 gearboxes have?


(Edit: the more often I consider what I've written, the more I think it might be a silly question: the gun is built like a tank, the gearbox will surely be perfectly capable of being run at a higher RoF.   If my Double Eagle can cope thus far, then surely this can too.   In my defence I was starting this thread to ask about fitting a MOSFET, before finding out it had one already!)




Edited by RostokMcSpoons
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Go for it, just don't be surprised if it double-shoots on semi when sprung for 1.1J - I doubt it's got any sort of active-brake.


Although as it's already wired for one, if you get on with it you could treat it to something like a Perun AB++ and get all sorts of tricks out of it.  I'm loving my JG G36C on 11.1V, Big Dragon M140, and 3 round bursts.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I forgot to update this with my findings from the last skirmish...


It ran great on an 11.1v battery.

It didn't double shot on semi, but it did do an occasional weird "60% power" shot, which meant I had a few shots drop short.  One even got me a teamkill where I was aiming over a teammate's s head and the BB just curved straight down on him!


The full auto performance was fantastic, as much fun as my TM High Cycle AUG, so I'd like to fix that occasional low power shot.


(I thought maybe it was double feeding to do that, but no sign of a second BB)


I would have used it again today, but I forgot to take the right battery with me 🥴


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If it is doing the odd power-drop shot it might be cycling too fast and the nozzle isn't seated in the bucking when the air is pushed through. Maybe a stronger tappet plate spring (either new spring or cut a coil off and re-loop the end for more tension)


My mate has the G&G G36 and it has been the cursed gun from hell (even with out the "tech" department at the retailer getting involved!) Mags have been really picky and some refuse to feed or randomly fountain BBs out the top while in the mag pouches!


With a Titan inside and some mags that actually fit, feed and don't prematurely ejaculate it is a nice gun :)

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That explanation does sound very logical - I really don't want to crack open the gearbox, but I'll bear the useful advice in mind if I do.
I've got two small stick 11.1v batteries, not sure which one I was using on that day... one is 30C, the other '15-25C' ... I'll try the slower rated one, and perhaps go find a cheap 7.4v to try out.  (Unfortunately all my other working batteries are a 7.4v 30C and a Titan 11.1v which is also likely to be high C)

Re: your mate's gun: Wow, maybe he got a Friday afternoon special?  That's so surprising considering how great the externals are (and it wasn't a cheap gun when new)
I bought a couple of new high caps and they are a super tight fit at the moment (need a good bump on the base to get them correctly seated to engage the catch), but given the plastic construction I expect them to wear in just fine.

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I mean the G36 is a "cute" gun, but the specific g&g version....well, that sits well out of my budget for the order of my "to buy" list. 

If I were to get this platform at some point it would be with all handguards and power options for dmr and the "k" version. For....reasons....

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I was lucky and got this at a reasonable price.  It's good enough I've been happy to invest in a couple of high caps so I can skirmish it, it'll go with me tomorrow, (though I've also for my TM AK47S, my first airsoft gun I bought up, is up-and-running, so that will probably get used in preference)


I have test fired it today, though not with the lower power batteries yet (to see if the single shot thing would stop happening)... It really is damned good fun to shoot 😃

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  • 1 year later...

Been after one of these but only railed mlock ugly handguard options available 

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If that's a thinly-veiled statement of interest, I'd be open to the idea of selling mine (though it still needs a tweak on the single shot mode) 🤗


(Too many guns in my collection and haven't played in months, I've been meaning to thin it down a tad)

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12 hours ago, ButcherBill said:

Wash your mouth out with soap.


Apologies 😣😋😂


I'll rephrase that, "I'm running out of physical space for my gun collection"

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