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The happy thread!


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Generic southerner banter indeed, hi-five for the Yorkshire men =D


Haha, I thought it was just something me and my mates say about Stella being wife beating beer lol.


I've never heard of the connection between Yorkshire and pies either, surely that's more of an Australian thing? But yeah, Sheffield is just about the most hilly place on earth, apart from the Himalayas and I walk everywhere all the time, though that's mainly because the bus costs a small fortune, I cba to book my driving test and my bike needs fixing...


Plus, Hubert, I've got something else that'll make you happy, I'ma buy an ICS L85 :P


Today is a happy day, I've finished all my December Uni assignments, probably not to the best standard ever, but with one day before the deadline it feels like an extra special accomplishment lol.


Time to celebrate by killing lots of people on Battlefield :P

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Finished uni till Jan, got surprise gifts from several coursemates (They know I'm not off home, nor have I ever really had a christmas day par se, so it was a ice gesture), got a cheeky kiss from a lovely lady, all good.


Ex girlfriend has jetted home for winter so the house is finally mine.



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  Airsoft-Ed said:
I've never heard of the connection between Yorkshire and pies either


I thought pies were a very northern thing. I'm told the midlands are northern and therefore midlanders should eat pies too. Not sure how someone thought middle was north but still :P

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Payday in exactly one week. Firesupport better have the Inokatsu I want in stock.


Feeling fairly lucky in the romance department atm, walked out of one fairly naff relationship into a situation where I'm being forced to think of clever ways to get the ladies to leave me alone so I can rest for five minutes.


Finally home alone at my uni house. No way in hell am I wearing pants on Sunday, if I had a religion, it would forbid it.


And today I'm going to have a massive lie in - in fact. I'm posting from bed and don't intend to leave my position till about 3:00, unless I can reach my bag and work clothes from the bed (highly possible), in which case I get an extra half hour.

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Aren't all of Firesupport's Inokatsu rifles just body kits for TM internals?

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My ICS L85 just arrived.


I already massively prefer it to the Ares, though the lack of trades is a slight disappointment, my fire selector and safety aren't even marked =[


Plus, I'm having feeding issues and over hop on .20s right out of the box... Annnd, the mid caps I bought off Nick don't go as well as I'd hoped and they look dwarfed against the ICS L85 mags the gun came with, they're ruddy massive, long things.


Though I've already decided I'm going to get a hop twist barrel from Firesupport if they ever restock, I've been reading on other forums and it seems that so long as you stay within the 330 fps limit they're amazing and you can hit people at 200ft. Though there's debate about whether having a rifle firing at over the 330 mark and using heavier ammo to bring it into the uber accuracy zone actually works or not. Most people tend to say no, which is a shame, as I like having the extra punch to get through leaves and whatnot.

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This week just gets better, I've got an awesome L85 and have good plans for it, it's Christmas at the weekend and just to top it all off, I'm going to be getting a pristine G&P M16A3 with 5 mags and 2 batteries from a swap deal at some point in the next few weeks! :lol:


If only my lack of caringness for my assignments could actually cause them to cease existing. <_<

'Cos then it'd be the best week ever.

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Moreover, your new weapon, will be comparable to the mythical Thor's hammer when you've finished giving it the love and adoration it deserves. Not only this, but buying an ICS L85 opens windows for copious amounts of correspondence with me, Finius. :D


Today, I'm happy for a multitude of reasons:


1. As a rule, I do not celebrate Christmas, I am an atheist and due to some terrible events in my past, my mother is not comfortable with the whole festive season, thus I have never really done Christmas at all, but this year all of my friends are refusing to take "don't worry about it, it's fine, I never do Christmas" for an answer and they're insisting on giving me things, mostly little bits, but for the first time in my life I've got some friends who appreciate me and the things I'll do for them enough to not use the fact I don't usually do it as an excuse to leave me out of everything. Yeah, I don't "celebrate" Christmas, but it's nice for people to send some thought my way.


2. Somehow managed to bag myself a date with this absolutely drop-dead girl from Warwick Uni. How exactly I got her to agree to it, I don't know, I didn't even have to sacrifice any goats this time...


3. Payday. I've clocked over 200 hours in a month, I'm looking forward to when the shops open in four hours time...This also means paying off some debt, putting deposits on various things, maybe tattoos and a nice investment in airsoft.


4. I'm starting to really feel appreciated at work. Kitchen work does not come too easy to me, it's very intense where I work because they usually understaff my section, so sometimes I fluff it pretty bad, but the managers don't seem to care how much I cock up because I'm always there on time, and whenever I fluff it, I fix it, irrelevant of how stressed that makes me or how much longer it forces me to stay on the job. They show it in small ways people might find silly, but I've not had a job where the management didn't make me want to rip my eyeballs out before so it's nice.


5. I have trained my lizard to play Ant Smasher on my phone. This pleases me greatly.

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  Finius said:
2. Somehow managed to bag myself a date with this absolutely drop-dead girl from Warwick Uni. How exactly I got her to agree to it, I don't know, I didn't even have to sacrifice any goats this time...


wow no sacrifice! well done sir!

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Haha, more correspondence, yay! No.2 also made me lol and think for maybe the umpteenth time, "God damn we need a 'Like' button on here!"


Finally, you actually have to make a video of your lizard performing aforementioned awesome task. Does it have a name btw? Or is it just "My lizard"? Lol.


My mate has a Tortoise called Dave, true story.


... Yeah, just thought I'd throw that in there.

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I'm just napping before work Ed, but after I finish tonight I'll send you a well research reply to your last message :)


A like button may be nice, but I fear I'd get "like-raped" :( I'll record him once I get hold of a spare camera to do so with! His name is Castiel, but we just call him "Lizard" most of the time. He isn't really fussy what you call him, but he doesn't like "herbert".

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My new laptop came today :)


And reading some of Marcus' posts on JBBG's Facebook page is so funny! :D

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  Liam Porter said:
And reading some of Marcus' posts on JBBG's Facebook page is so funny! :D


keeps me amused :)

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Happy because my WAS stuff arrived,

question is should i make the glove fingerless?

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Finding out that the theme song from The Big Bang theory is a lot longer than the 20second clip from the show's intro.

Finding out that I can legally download this.


Joining up with a big group of mates from the B&C 40K forum, and playing Space Marine on the 360 with them. Such a great laugh.

All really helping me get over some recent unpleasantness.

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One of my mates just linked me to this on Facebook: http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments...hdgwv?context=4


I thought it was highly worthy of sharing. It strikes me as something Finius would do lol, the writing style and story telling-esque-ness are just the same and obviously it's also truly hilarious.


The "To ensure accuracy" and "Obviously, this child needed to re-read Sun Tzu." were by far my favourite parts lol.

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