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The angry thread!


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I want to try it, I have Arma II and the extra stuff for it, CO and the other one, but I really can't get my head around all the controls :L. What do you need to use the DayZ mod, and does it work on the Steam version of the game?

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Royal Mail must DIE






The local depot


The customer services


The automated phone system




Not only have I been getting the run-a-round for 3 week they have lost the new tent I got for NAE!!!

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Yeah DayZ


It does, although there are quite a lot of other mods that dont work, although i cba to get em. DayZ will also be Arma 3 compatable apparently.


Controls are simple enough when you get used to them. But you need a proper keyboard, not a laptop :P Not that any laptop could run ARMA well anyway.


For the mod you need Arma 2, and Arma Combined Operations. (the free version of Arma 2 works as well as it mainly uses Arma:CO)

Although i bought the entire series when it was on offer :P


Just go on the DayZ site, and theres a tutorial vid. Pretty simples.

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Red China/ North Korea


Politicians: who talk about unimportant issues, politicians who cut the armed forces, politicians that bring in stricter gun control/ weapon control/ airsoft laws.


People without patriotism


Discrimination (racism, homophobia, the whole deal)


people who are incompetent at their job


short battery life on various electronic goods


Just bb guns




bad quality electronics


Double eagle, Well, etc


People that think they can boss around other people just cos their a casual acquittance of one of the person's family members


Cars that get stuck in front of a car im in for too long and drive far too slowly and wont let you overtake. grrrrrr

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Lol Leinad Just don`t go loopy Road Rage should stay IN England and Check Highland Tactical Airsoft their Over By Tain It`s where i go aswell!

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My laptop runs ARMA 2 on high-max settings :).

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eHobby order arrived...


sent me M4 mags instead of G36 :/

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sent my medals way to be mounted and the ******* lost my distinguished service cross im not a happy man today

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sent my medals way to be mounted and the ******* lost my distinguished service cross im not a happy man today

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I hate BF3. I've been banned from the last 7 servers I've been on for "Hacking/Cheating" because apparently I'm too good with the L96, so they tell me I can't use it. I then use the L85 and get banned.

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  Flynn567 said:
Royal Mail must DIE






The local depot


The customer services


The automated phone system




Not only have I been getting the run-a-round for 3 week they have lost the new tent I got for NAE!!!


What I hate is the way they use the words "your item has been lost" instead of the much more valid phrase "your item has been stolen by one of the knuckle dragging apes we employ". Royal Mail is a closed system. You post your item at either the post office counter or into a post box. From either, it is picked up by a Royal Mail employee in a van and driven to one Royal Mail shed. It is then sorted and transported by an another Royal Mail employee to another Royal Mail shed. It then get's sorted again and is taken by another Royal Mail employee to yet another Royal Mail shed, from where it is given to another Royal Mail employee to deliver to your house. At no time is it not in the hands of Royal Mail, yet they take no responsibility for "losing" your post, and will not entertain that there are thieving bastards amongst their staff!


If their monopoly, particularly on delivering post received from outside of the UK, was broken, they and Parcel Force would be out of business inside of three months.

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Ehobby want me to post the item they sent me (wrong one) back... at my expense. They offered me store credit as compensation.

Cheers... like i really want to make another order after all this hassle.

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Angry because I can't be a PC gamer like Tariq and have all those awesome PC exclusive simulation games, like Arma2, BF2:PR, the DCS series... =[


I've been watching SideStrafe on YouTube play the DayZ mod and it looks pretty interesting. Quite a lot of moral dilemmas to think about, really my kinda game.



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Yeah DayZ is great.


What you need to do is get a motorbike.

Ride home one day and hopefully someone will pull out on you, causing you to T-bone the car at 30 miles an hour. XD


£1200 easily made lol. Spend on new PC. Sorted ^_^

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  • 2 weeks later...
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F*cking pissed off.


Just spent about 45 minutes to an hour fitting the Version 1 ASCU into my M16, only to find that the c*nting selector plate I have is entirely plastic, when the one I NEED for it to work has to have a brass section on it. Meaning I won't have a working M16 for when I go skirmishing tomorrow... :angry:

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Just got my M16 working, I tested the circuit and everything by installing the motor etc etc.


Obviously to fasten the gun back together I had to take down the motor and grip etc to get the gearbox back in the lower receiver.


Only problem is, one of the bastarding motor connection leads decided it was going to rape the motor shaft like a retard, jamming the motor in the grip, meaning I couldn't get the motor out of the grip, meaning I couldn't get the gearbox in the gun.


So I had to muscle the motor out of the grip, tearing the wire asunder in the process and now I have to do all the f*cking wiring all over again!


So in short - The appauling design of Version 2 gearboxes.

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Y'know, I thought that the ASCU's were meant to be high end quality upgrade parts? But the wiring they come with is SH*T! Monumentally sh*t! It's made out of some sort of >sh*t< multi-strand tin wire that snaps if you so much as touch it, so I've now had to re-wire and re-solder the motor connectors 5 f*cking times and they STILL keep F*CKING snapping!


I feel more like throwing my M16 against a tree than bothering to do anything with it anymore. I'm going to send it to Patrol Base to get it serviced, shimmed, rewired and everything basically - if I do it myself I WILL smash it against a tree.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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