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Airsoft Fairs & Car-boot-sales


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99% of the ones I’ve come across have been at airsoft sites on actual gamedays(think I’ve heard of two possibly that where specifically just a ‘car boot’ and not on a gameday at a site) so afraid wouldn’t have thought theirs going to be much call or activity for your offer ? Sorry bud .

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last year RIFT ran a "shift your RIFts" event.

while there was airsoft being played on the site, there was a car boot side that people could sell their unwanted gear, and people could attend just for the car boot.

i have heard through the grapevine that they are planning a second event this year, but the exact date hasnt been set in stone yet.  best bet is to check their website for info nearer the time:  https://www.riftairsoft.com/ 

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8 hours ago, Druid799 said:

99% of the ones I’ve come across have been at airsoft sites on actual gamedays


/thread, and I suspect that OP thinks that airsoft is something that airsoft isn't.


Keep it safe, and keep it secret.

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2 hours ago, Enid_Puceflange said:

Always on a game day and enhances the walk on numbers as it’s for “players” only. So no turning up just to sell gear 


Mmm, I've seen Area-66 having to spell that out a couple of times, they don't want mobs of randos swarming the site half way through the day that they can't keep track of.

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15 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


/thread, and I suspect that OP thinks that airsoft is something that airsoft isn't.


Keep it safe, and keep it secret.


What are you talking about!? Most I've been to make SHOT show look like a flea market.

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5 hours ago, Cr0-Magnon said:

What are you talking about!?


To clarify, not the retailer fairs, but the car-boot end.  It's not a hobby where we want to be seen flogging rifs to anyone clutching a sweaty handful of tenners.  That's why I've only seen it done at sites running bring-and-buys for paying players rather than open days. 

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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