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TR16 running hot every half dozen shots


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Hi All, I have a G&G TR16 with a Prometheus 6.03 barrel and an M110 spring.


At my local site this weekend and it was chronoing at around 320-330 consistently but every 5-6 shots it would jump to 400-420 then back down.

the marshals were “just” about ok with this for the day provided I was sensible but suggested I get it looked as as they won’t guarantee they will let it slide again.


any ideas what this could be, I’m not hugely technical and not at all confident in stripping down and playing with it.


cheers, Hamster

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320 - 330 fps seems low for an M110 spring in my experience. I'd suspect a seal issue dropping the fps to that level the 400 ish is much more likely the 'normal' level. Start by checking the hop rubber and make sure it's sitting correctly. After that it does start to involve removing and opening the gearbox TBH. Plenty of videos out there on how to do it and how to check compression if you fancy having a go yourself.

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That's unfortunate, I'd agree with nick, start at the hop and air seal then work your way back. 

It's unlikely that a it's going tongain performance from nowhere, much more likely that's an issue being hidden by spring weight that occasionally works effectively.

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Thought I’d post a quick update, finally picked up a chrono and tested the rif again.

This time it was running consistently at 460-470!!!

since it was second hand and hadn’t been used for a while I’m assuming it may have needed a good run through get to peak fps (I’m only guessing here).


anyway I bit the bullet and followed a tutorial and stripped down to the gearbox (I know this is pretty normal for folks here but I have to confess I’m amazed I managed it).

swapped out the spring for an M100 and swore a lot putting it back together.


back on the chrono and it’s running a consistent 330-335 on 0.2’s and 300-305 on 0.25’s.


I still don’t really know what the issue was but happy it’s running consistently that I don’t need to worry about being told it’s too hot for a site!


shameless photo from my game last week for anyone that bothered to read this far! 😁


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Well done mate. Looking at pic id suggest you move that sight protector back, right up against sight.  The odds of a bb coming in at an angle and taking your sight out ate mot as slim as you might thing. 

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Even better, get one of these....




I can vouch for the fact it looks great on the sight, and with a poly carbonate protector it should be BB-proof, rather than sacrificial.

Edited by RostokMcSpoons
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2 hours ago, RostokMcSpoons said:

Even better, get one of these....




I can vouch for the fact it looks great on the sight, and with a poly carbonate protector it should be BB-proof, rather than sacrificial.

I picked up one of this sellers protectors the other day, for a light, and the quality is good.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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