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UK CTSFO and me (The Canadian)


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Howdy folks, I recently came into possession of some WG LEAF combat clothes, and in my short little bout of research into what exactly kind of kits I could make with them, I stumbled across something from your side of the pond.
UK CTFSO, looks pretty cool, same base uniform and finally gives me an excuse to buy an MCX. Only problem is I'm no expert on UK kit and gear, nor how to acquire it. The main thing I'm struggling with is actually the plate carrier which of course, doesnt exist over here in Canada.

I'm here to ask if anyone has advice on what/where to find people selling stuff like that, as I dont know much about the UK buy/sell scene and if anyone even does international shipping.

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The impressionist crowd are the male-dominant version of the fashion/celebrity gossip industry; bitchy as fuck.  I've got a couple of mates to who I said 'be careful down that path idiots on instagram will bitch at you for your socks being slightly too light green' and that's exactly the sort of thing that happened/happens.


If you genuinely want to try and recreate UK armed police loadouts from a certain region's police force during a certain period, you're probably gonna need to get in to a niche group on facebook and buckle up for some insane nit picking and stitch counting.  The LEAF stuff isn't the standard issue anymore for any regional firearms teams or at least less of them than it was, afaik.  Various armed units have worn various PCs including Ferro slicksters and different models from C2R Fast; and probably a load more I don't know of as well.

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Lol, so true. Amazing how many folk get their knickers in an insufferably apoplectic twist because the pattern isn't bang on, or the PC doesn't sit right, or, gawd forbid, trousers tucked in to boots... I mean, good grief, its all just a bit of fun, chill the heck out.


I dont do any social media for that reason. Life's too short and already too much going on without worrying what some prats posing/ bitching about on IG, or who's arguing on FB, or some bigoted Lefty clown preaching on Twatter, can't be bothered with any of it. There's a couple of forums I visit regularly and that's it. Used to do more but can't be bothered these days.


For the OP I'd simply recommend look at pictures of what you want to achieve then shop around. It might not be absolutely bang on however it's just a bit of fun at the end of the day.


This might help:


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Yeah, I would stick with an impression kit, rather than an accurate loadout. I was going to do similar for a police AFO loadout, then decided it was a lot of expense and to what end.  Went with a comedic impression AFO instead IMG_20210628_104615_782.jpg.2a0403184eed7ea5da2faf8e8efd8480.jpg



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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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