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ukara let down

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Hi guys and gals, just thought i had to post somewhere about the whole ukara scheme and being a newbie........dont worry though its not a ukara related question!!


I think this sport is really being held back due to the ukara scheme,, yes its good to have in place to stop hooligans running about etc, but it has completely ruined the idea of wanting to take the sport up.


I am a memeber of the armed forces and a few of my mates have been really intersted to take up this sport but have been put off by the whole time frame of getting registered etc.


We dont wanna fork out 25 quid to hire guns each time we wanna play. We dont wanna be running about with bright two tone guns either.


Why not have a quick ukara register scheme where you can opt to play so many games over a certain period or charge somebody to become a member,


Me and my mates would happily pay a one time fee which costs the same as three game days




1 game day costs = £25


to get yourself ukara registered = £ 75 or play the required games over the required time

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At my local sites (Urban Assault and Free Fire Zone), if you're not UKARA registered, you can pay them for a gun (non-two-tone) and they keep it, but bring it to game days for you to use, and then they take it away again. So the gun's yours, as in no-one else uses it and no-one else can buy it or anything, but you cannot take it home. And then once you've played the 3 games in no less than 2 months, you can take the gun home. If you know what I mean, hard to explain.

Maybe your local site(s) can do that if they have a shop? Try asking them sometime.

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Anyway mate, You don't need UKARA to get RiF's...

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Thanks for the reply Liam, the local sites do that but my position in the forces doesnt allow me to stay in the same location in the uk, i am constantly moving from camp to camp and dont wanna purchase an RIF to leave in a store incase i dont get to go back to that local posting


Thanks for the info though

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  • AF-UK Founding Member

Welcome to the forums :)


Easiest thing for you to do is get a two-tone. They don't stand out like you think they might and if you're choosing to go down the UKARA route you can swap out/spray paint the coloured parts to black after your 3 games.


If you aren't going down the UKARA route (understandable if you won't be in one place for more than 2 months) then you need to piece together some other form of defence, i.e. a diary of skirmishes you've been to, and then ideally go to a shop to buy as it will be a lot easier to show in person rather than online/over the phone.

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  • AF-UK Founding Member
you dont have to have ukara to buy realistic guns,


That's pretty much what I just said.



also even if you did want ukara, Im pretty sure you don't need to play at the same site for all 3 games


I'll stand corrected but pretty sure they have to be at the same site. Easier for them to tell you've legitimately done enough games in the right time-scale.

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  • AF-UK Founding Member
If you aren't going down the UKARA route (understandable if you won't be in one place for more than 2 months) then you need to piece together some other form of defence, i.e. a diary of skirmishes you've been to, and then ideally go to a shop to buy as it will be a lot easier to show in person rather than online/over the phone.


Basically you have to be able to prove that you are a legitimate airsoft player. How you choose to record this is up to you. The above would be fairly popular though. Perhaps with a signature from whoever was running the day also. You're just looking to gain as much evidence as possible. Pictures with the above would be especially good.

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A lot of this has already been said,


But quoted from my response to a similar thread in the UK law section of the forums:


You will not be able to purchase any NEW "RIF" until you have established your role as a skirmisher again, provided you are over 18. You can purchase IF as long as you are again, over 18, but do not need to be a skirmisher (these are usually two-tone or clear bodied). Some guns, such as flintlocks, are not covered under the VCRA because of how old they are (pre-American Civil War), the same laws as used to exist still govern these, but most reputable retailers will still want to check your defense, just to make sure your usage will be legitimate (preventing airsoft from coming into disrepute).


The easiest way to do this is to play at least three times in a period longer than two months at one site and get something called placed on the database of something called UKARA (this is not a license, but it is a membership which the government have said they will accept as proof of your skirmisher status, most sites do not charge you for this). UKARA is needed for simplicity with most online retailers; there are other ways to prove your right, but most retailers will not take them (they're fully protected from the law by UKARA, so it makes sense).


If you're buying secondhand from forums etc, it is at the sellers discretion whether they take any form of defense, even UKARA, however most people will accept UKARA. Other options include creating a "skirmish diary"; a collection of evidence of your role as a skirmisher which has been signed/filled with receipts from skirmishes, photos of you skirmishing etc. UKARA is by no means your only option, but it is by far the easiest.

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