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New Guy looking to get into Airsoft


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Hi @stez and welcome to the pack 👋

I guess your first step will be to find your nearest airsoft venue or club and pop along to see what it's all about and ask questions. If you do make sure you have some good quality eye protection with you cause even if you are not intending to play you will be able to watch but only if you have eye pro on.

People will be very forthcoming about what you need to get started and you can book a game day and use a rental gun to get the feel for it.


It's a great sport/hobby but it can get expensive if you let it 🙂


Have a wander over to @GAMBLE's you tube channel for tips and advice. Nothing heavy just a down to earth insight into the game and what you will eventually need👍


Have fun looking around the forum and chatting to other members.


Enjoy 👍


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Hi @Stez 👋

Welcome to the forum, full of advice and like minded players! 🔫😎👍

Good luck getting started, let us know how it goes, have fun! 🤞👍

What area, are you roughly looking at going to, bound to be players, that go there? 🤔

Thanks @Shamal for the mention! 🔫😎👍


Edited by GAMBLE
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Just look and there’s a place 6 miles from me, Forest of Dean paintball & airsoft 👍

Think I will get a pistol then rifle or if there’s a great deal available 😃 Both 👍

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10 minutes ago, Stez said:

Just look and there’s a place 6 miles from me, Forest of Dean paintball & airsoft 👍

Think I will get a pistol then rifle or if there’s a great deal available 😃 Both 👍

A local site.Thats good news👍

Go along or call them to book a game day as a rental which means you will use their gun and bb's. Lunch may be included.


If its a woodland site then good boots with ankle support are recommended and of course,EYEPRO! 


If I is an indoor cqb site then I would recommend no exposed skin!! Lol 


You will have to play min of three games in not less than 56 days to qualify for a defense which will enable you to buy your own rifs otherwise you would have to buy two tone imitation firearms.


Have fun 🙂




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3 hours ago, Stez said:

Just look and there’s a place 6 miles from me, Forest of Dean paintball & airsoft 👍

Think I will get a pistol then rifle or if there’s a great deal available 😃 Both 👍


I would go the opposite...   get the rifle first and only get a pistol afterwards.


But before you buy anything, play three games within 2 months to qualify for UKARA as well as getting to know wether the sport is for you or not.


Dont be aftraid to ask questions at sites, we are all a friendly and approachable bunch, and will be happy to show off our various toys 😃

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Welcome to the forum dude. 


Would suggest decent eye pro, boots with ankle support and to go rental first and see if the sport is for you before buying any GEAR (and if you do, wait for your UKARA


You'll be more than likely given an AEG to play with.


Most airsofters are approachable, will answer any of your queries and will normally let you take a plink with their gun. 


Ps. Here a link to @GAMBLE channel as someone has forgotten to post it 👀



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Thanks @Brophy for the mention and the link! 🔫😎👍


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18 hours ago, GAMBLE said:

Thanks @Brophy for the mention and the link! 🔫😎👍


Yeah well I don't know how to do links☹

Well done @Brophy you're amazballs. Lol




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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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