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well? opinions? :P i want a marauder :)

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Made my weekend. Finished A2 exams and school forever, skirmished for the first time in 2 months on Sunday, and had a brilliant episode of Top Gear to watch :D

I enjoyed it.

If I win the lottery I'm getting one of those Marauders. In red. The perfect town car.

I'm sorry, I just think it looks nicer. The Knight XV just...doesn't have the same appeal when I look at it. To me, it looks like a cartoon of a monstertruck and the latest batmobile.


Looking forwards to next week.

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That knight xv looks familiar though, fast and furious-fast five?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • AF-UK Founding Member

No more posts here.. thought they episodes have been getting better. Wasn't too surprising about Vettel going top and the Ferrari vs McLaren piece was pretty good.

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I thought the last episode was good too- would like to see James eat his hair :P

Although the next one looks really good- but I'm not gonna spoil it :lol:


Does it annoy anyone else that the series are so short? THey used to last for 10+ episodes but now it's only 6/7 or so

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I feel like it's kind of going down hill tbh. They're trying to be funny for funny's sake and not because things happen by accident.


A heck of a lot of what goes wrong for the sake of humour is so obviously staged that I just don't find it that funny.


And that thing about a bird crapping on Clarksons Range Rover? Who cares?!


But, despite all my negativity, I still watch it religiously and look forward to it, I just enjoy the old repeats on Dave that I haven't seen yet more than all the new episodes :(

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  • AF-UK Founding Member

Caravans behind the 'train' simply had to have a bad ending, it's Top Gear and caravans. So yes it is predictable but if they hadn't had another chip pan fire or demolished another caravan everyone would be wondering what happened.

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  • AF-UK Founding Member

This weeks should be fairly entertaining for us I guess..


the team employs all manner of second-hand military equipment to knock down a row of derelict houses, aiming to complete the job in less time than a team of demolition experts.
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I thought yesterdays episode was pretty good, and id love to have a look around the exmilitary vehicle place!


Shame there only one episode of the series left, but atleast it should be a good one considering the Aventador is in it

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I thought yesterdays episode was pretty good, and id love to have a look around the exmilitary vehicle place!


Shame there only one episode of the series left, but atleast it should be a good one considering the Aventador is in it


I thought the second hand military vehicle place looked awesome too, I want to know where it is.


I can't believe you can get tanks and stuff for under £20k!


I wonder how much the choppers were.


I thought Bob Geldoff was a bit crap tbh, never been a fan anyway, but that interview really sucked.

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