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Barrel Cleaning With Filter Tips


This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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No harm comes from clean alcohol solutions with a high percentage IPA being a good option. Any adverse affect is so small it would be impossible to measure.

For most hop rubber silicone oil will also not cause any damage as the hop rubber itself is not silicone. However it will leave a film that can impact accuracy and attract dirt especially on a dry and dusty day.

The issue with silicone oil is not to use it with silicone rubber. Most O-rings, seals and hop rubbers in airsoft are not silicone. They are Nitrile or EPDM although Maple Leaf have just released silicon hop rubbers (the translucent ones). Silicone rubber absorbs silicone oil and can swell. How much of an effect this would have on a hop rubber is not clear. The swelling could help improve a poor seal for instance or make it a tight fit when fitting or removing. The same for most O-rings in AEGs. The impact on the patch may not be notice as after all it is an adjustable surface. If it swelled you might not notice any difference by just adjusting the hop. However it is probably not worth the risk when you are probably better off cleaning the barrel with IPA. 

Edited by Piman
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I'm not sure if I'm glad I asked now or not.

Thanks for everyone's input.


What I have gathered is:

Clean your barrel when you feel you need or want to.

Neither alcohol nor silicon lube cause any significant harm in most cases

Take care to avoid physical damage

Try a variety of techniques and see which works best for you and your gun

Different guns may need different methods

Test power and accuracy after cleaning.





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  On 09/04/2021 at 21:34, 38super said:

I'm not sure if I'm glad I asked now or not.

Thanks for everyone's input.


What I have gathered is:

Clean your barrel when you feel you need or want to.

Neither alcohol nor silicon lube cause any significant harm in most cases

Take care to avoid physical damage

Try a variety of techniques and see which works best for you and your gun

Different guns may need different methods

Test power and accuracy after cleaning.



oh the when to clean your barrel is easy:

before every game day

if you shoot a lot/use a tighter bore in the middle of every game day

after every game day

every time you can't remember when you last cleaned your barrel



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  • 2 weeks later...

Two things from this thread,

1. You guys got a cleaning rod with your guns? Damn

2. Shit, i'm supposed to clean my barrel - I mean, one of the reasons I don't/haven't cleaned it is the mentions of it increasing power a little - it has only just got consistent to 346fps (with shooting 355 out of the box, thanks again ** for letting me play). I clean the barrel, there is a chance I turn up with a hot gun to a site they don't know me at with a chance they dont let me play? Nah I'll just throw flavoured bbs at the opposing team

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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