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Only 50 Rds From 1 Fill in Hk45 Marui


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I recently bought a TM hk45 tactical brand new from a store with a spare mag. And it can only make around 50-55 shots from one mag, and only 45 from the other and the pressure already gets lower after like 20. As i fill the mag it feels like the gas can barely squeeze through the valve. I saw in badabing review that this gun can fire over 100 shots, so i began to wonder if i got a gun with a defect or maybe TM decreased the mag volume as they did in M4 MWS?


Thank You for any replies :)

Cheers !

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you're getting 2 full mags from 1 fill and this is a problem?


edit: also be wary of reviews, the guy writing it might have done so in the middle of an arizona summer, which isn't a fair comparison to a british spring.

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How are you filling the mag? How cold is it where you are? What gas are you using? Have you lubed the slide at all? How much of a pause are you leaving between each shot?

Edited by Asomodai
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I fill like any other gbb i owned bottle and mag in a line. I made test in room temperature about 24C. First i fired quicly but then made about 1 second pause every shot and the result was similar. I'm using Smart Green Gas, 1000ml bottle. I didn't lube the gun, it looks well lubed already and works smoothly

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tbh, and others may disagree, but if it's not spewing gas everywhere when cycling then frankly i'd be happy enough with that kind of performance.


for me at least any gun that can mag dump its way through the RS equivalent of bb's (so for a 1911 that's 7 rather than however many the mag holds) outside of winter is good enough gas effeciency.....

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Thanks. I will also say i had to put seals to the valves because without them  i wasnt able to fill anything at all, gas was spraying and after couple of seconds i was able to fire only like 3 shots. Thats also why i thought something was wrong.

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3 minutes ago, airfish said:

Thanks. I will also say i had to put seals to the valves because without them  i wasnt able to fill anything at all, gas was spraying and after couple of seconds i was able to fire only like 3 shots. Thats also why i thought something was wrong.


ahh, hang on.


that's a marui thing, the mag is meant to spew gas.


you fill it until it starts spewing liquid which is how you know it's full. it can take a while for an empty mag but i think the idea is you can top up easier without over-filling.


pretty nifty system, only other company i've seen use it was the 40-mike had the same type of valve.

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2 minutes ago, airfish said:

Thanks. I will also say i had to put seals to the valves because without them  i wasnt able to fill anything at all, gas was spraying and after couple of seconds i was able to fire only like 3 shots. Thats also why i thought something was wrong.

Adding the "silent fill" o-rings will limit the amount of gas you can get in the mag as it can't vent the air already in there. 

Top tip I learnt only the other day is to fill a mag in bursts. If you want a 6sec fill do it in 1sec bursts and wait a few seconds between fills.

Oh, and Badabing is UK based so no 30deg Arizona heat helping the gas pressure 😁

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yeah but it is spewing from the start. But its not the thing - it didnt fill much after like 5 seconds - as i sad - 2 strong shots maybe. So i felt pity for wasting gas and put seals, as i always did...

SSPKali - Ok, thanks for the tip, ill check it 🙂 But shouldnt it be even better with 30 deg? d(-_-)b Ok, now i get it. but im in moderarte climate too ;)

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9 minutes ago, SSPKali said:

Oh, and Badabing is UK based so no 30deg Arizona heat helping the gas pressure 😁


fair enough, although i can still change my point to simply be a cornish summer versus scottish winter :P


5 minutes ago, airfish said:

yeah but it is spewing from the start. But its not the thing - it didnt fill much after like 5 seconds - as i sad - 2 strong shots maybe. So i felt pity for wasting gas and put seals, as i always did...


it can take a surprising amount of time from a completely empty mag, but it is supposed to spew gas (not liquid) straight from the start of the fill so you get as much liquid in there as possible.

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2 minutes ago, airfish said:

hmm, ok.. So how long it may take to fill empty mag?


can't say exactly, i just remember it's one of those "it's still not full!?" thoughts that came to mind.


you will know when it's full though, it's not subtle.

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Mhm. But when i installed seals, the noise from the gas flowing is much quieter from what i remember, using TM mk23 for example. There the flow was so hight, i remember mag getting cold from filling. And it was much louder

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Okay, I tried SSPKali's tip with burts and it worked - now it fires easily 3 mags, and i think probably, as he sad, it would be even better if i took out those seals... Great thanks guys. BTW it would be strange if sth had been wrong with the gun since it fired crisp and loud, if it was taking 2x more gas per shot i think it woud be noticable in action. So thanks again. Have a nice day!

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1 hour ago, airfish said:

Okay, I tried SSPKali's tip with burts and it worked - now it fires easily 3 mags, and i think probably, as he sad, it would be even better if i took out those seals... Great thanks guys. BTW it would be strange if sth had been wrong with the gun since it fired crisp and loud, if it was taking 2x more gas per shot i think it woud be noticable in action. So thanks again. Have a nice day!

Yeah ditch the silent fill valves and use the "stabby" method. All will be well

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Also Have to add I am very jealous of your HK45 tactical. Lovely pistol. I have the TM Glock myself but am tempted to either go with another Glock (18) or the HK 45 tactical.

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4 minutes ago, gunbod007 said:

am tempted to either go with another Glock (18) or the HK 45 tactical.


i mean surely that's an easy question to answer

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2 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:


i mean surely that's an easy question to answer

Yup, TM FNX45, best pistol out there by miles 😲

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2 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:


i mean surely that's an easy question to answer


It's not even a question - anything except the Glock.

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2 hours ago, gunbod007 said:

Also Have to add I am very jealous of your HK45 tactical. Lovely pistol. I have the TM Glock myself but am tempted to either go with another Glock (18) or the HK 45 tactical.

Go for it, its awesome. Im happy that I chose FDE color, it looks way more interesting than black, and the tone is very good. Such an eye candy. I heard that marui G18c is not reliable in long term use - wears out quickly. I think Novritch sad something about it

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Best performance (for a GBB) the TM FNX45 is probably the best I have ever used. Most satisfying to use, in my opinion not so much (and yes I have a TM FNX 45).

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Ok, i dont say anything ;) I think in general that TM has improved they standards. Performance (that always been awesome) , gas efficiency, and also build quality. The fit of the components in my hk is great, no rattle, even barrel fits tight which i find rare in airoft. Frame polymer has great matt texture, and looks solid and high quality. I remember having old m92f back in the day and it wasnt that good. However it was still shooting almost like aegs ;)

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10 hours ago, airfish said:

Okay, I tried SSPKali's tip with burts and it worked - now it fires easily 3 mags, and i think probably, as he sad, it would be even better if i took out those seals... Great thanks guys. BTW it would be strange if sth had been wrong with the gun since it fired crisp and loud, if it was taking 2x more gas per shot i think it woud be noticable in action. So thanks again. Have a nice day!

Glad I could pass on some useful info :)

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