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Hi everyone. Only played a couple of times. Have a g&g firehawk with mosfet and 11.1 batteries. Really enjoying the gaming (though haven't played this year, lockdown). I'm pretty much cannon fodder while learning but always open to improving.

Hope to be back in play very soon.

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Hi @Wolfie! 👋

Welcome to the forum, full of advice and like minded players! 🔫🤪👍

Hopefully play soon! 🤞


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Herro @Wolfie

Come on in and have a look around.No obligation to buy but if you break anything that's a different matter! Lol

We are all cannon fodder for someone, trouble is I'm cannon fodder for everyone! ☹

Enjoy while learning and to that end check out @GAMBLE.He has a tube thing going on. Very informative and fun.🙂



What trike?



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That's my old BMW trike... Loved it. Had a few. Forgot that Google has it as my profile pic. I have a Vmax trike now. 


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  On 03/03/2021 at 19:26, EDcase said:

His avatar pic


Oh right 👍

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Guest Mr. No_Face
  On 03/03/2021 at 12:17, Wolfie said:

Hi everyone. Only played a couple of times. Have a g&g firehawk with mosfet and 11.1 batteries. Really enjoying the gaming (though haven't played this year, lockdown). I'm pretty much cannon fodder while learning but always open to improving.

Hope to be back in play very soon.



Nice The firehawk was my first airsoft rifle. Welcome to the forum comrade.

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  On 03/03/2021 at 20:09, EDcase said:



Did you convert it?

Do you prefer that to 2 wheel version or is it for other reasons?


Probably because the v max needs an extra wheel to get round corners!

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Love trikes and have had a few... Also ride bike too. Bought the Vmax in 2001 and ran it until 2015 when I decided it was going to be my next trike. Contrary to hype... Maxes handle really well if you remember they are 1980s bikes... Once you get that they are amazing. Having said that... As a trike. Its like the world's fastest go cart... the acceleration can only be described as "sudden or Brutal ".... 

Love this forum. Been having a good look around and delving into the tech section. Will probably try setting up my mosfet next... 

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  On 04/03/2021 at 14:57, Wolfie said:

Maxes handle really well if you remember they are 1980s bikes... Once you get that they are amazing.



Oh come on, they never went round corners when they were new! Not that it ever stopped me wanting one :D

I used to have a slabside Gixxer 750 and for the performance the shocks and brakes were TERRIFYING!

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  On 03/03/2021 at 20:09, EDcase said:

Its a beast.

Just needs some gun sleeves 😁


Did you convert it?

Do you prefer that to 2 wheel version or is it for other reasons?


I bought the BMW (all matt black) but converted the Vmax...

Got the trike cause I love riding with no helmet in the summer... obs helmet on if I'm going at speed or motorway or bad weather. Gun sleeves would have been fantastic on the BMW. 🤣

  On 04/03/2021 at 15:02, Lozart said:


Oh come on, they never went round corners when they were new! Not that it ever stopped me wanting one :D

I used to have a slabside Gixxer 750 and for the performance the shocks and brakes were TERRIFYING!


Have you ever ridden one? They look big until you sit on it.. then you realise how small they are... Heavy... but small... lol upgraded the brakes so with three wheels I now have three brakes... Stops much better 😇😇😇 Not that I would know what it goes like... Honest 😇😇😇 🤣🤣

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  On 04/03/2021 at 19:15, Wolfie said:

Have you ever ridden one? They look big until you sit on it.. then you realise how small they are... Heavy... but small... lol upgraded the brakes so with three wheels I now have three brakes... Stops much better 😇😇😇 Not that I would know what it goes like... Honest 😇😇😇 🤣🤣



I've not ridden one in anger but I've certainly sat on one. They've always seemed quite top heavy to me (even though I'm not sure they actually are). I really liked the updated one they did (did it ever make it to production?).

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  On 05/03/2021 at 10:37, Lozart said:


I've not ridden one in anger but I've certainly sat on one. They've always seemed quite top heavy to me (even though I'm not sure they actually are). I really liked the updated one they did (did it ever make it to production?).


The mk2 max... Yeah. Quite a few about but I don't think it has quite the personality of the original. 

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  • 3 months later...

Had a brilliant day at Absolute Airsoft in Reading. Very well run and great fun. Took lots of heads today and had my share of bbs hitting me too... 


We also had a young man turn up with a claimed £500 of new kit. From gun to boots and everything between... so? He'd never played before (buying everything during lockdown) and decided, after the third game of the day.... "Airsoft is not for me!"... He has provisionally sold all his gear to another player and left. Hmmm. Me thinks he bigged himself up a bit too much....

Edited by Wolfie
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  On 12/06/2021 at 18:56, Wolfie said:

He has provisionally sold all his gear to another player and left.



I don't know whether to laugh or cry.  Yes, it's a common enough story, and why we always recommend renting first.  Some people love the ouch, some can't stand it.  Still, his loss is someone else's win, it all ends up back in the hobby one way or another.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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