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Newbie in Linconshire

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Hi, welcome to the mad house. 


I would suggest having a reading the pinned topics in this forum section, as they provide good information for new people and also giving @GAMBLE's youtube channel a watch, he caters for people who want join or are new to the sport.



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2 minutes ago, Brophy said:

Hi, welcome to the mad house. 


I would suggest having a reading the pinned topics in this forum section, as they provide good information for new people and also giving @GAMBLE's youtube channel a watch, he caters for people who want join or are new to the sport.



Grrrr.... 😡

Hi @AarronsDad.

Welcome to the farm👍

Plenty to occupy yourself here until you can get out in the field!

If you read everything on here you will be a consummate pro without firing a shot!

Wont be so much fun but hey ho.

I was going to suggest a tube channel to watch but seems like some one beat me to it. Yeah we have smart arses here!😉 

Nice one @Brophy. Dont do it again! Good that's sorted 🤭

Have fun and might get to shoot each other one day lol.



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Hi @AarronsDad! 👋

Welcome to the forum, full of like minded players and plenty of advice to share! 🤪👍

Got your first AEG and some kit, just need a site to reopen, hopefully soon! 🤞

Also @Brophy & @Shamal thanks for the shout outs! Play nicely, all that Airsoft tension is building up from not playing!!!! 🔫😎👍




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Welcome :).

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