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High ROF Problems Ssg Build

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Howdy yall iso info on a build please.

So i have recently been testing a brushless motor and ive come across a few issues some of which have been solved. I have a set of 18:1 gears and this brushless motor can really turn them at a great rate. On 7.4v im getting 23 rps and my range is still good with an fps of around 340fps. When i use the 11.1v im getting 37rps but my fps drops to about 270fps and the bb are dropping after about 10mtrs. I have modded the tappet plate and altered the length of the tappet spring. The gears and piston arent short stroked so im getting full volume from the piston and im baffled why the 11.1v is giving me poor range. 

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I'm baffled how you haven't smashed the piston/gearset up on 11.1v tbh


do you need full volume ???

if barrel is say 450mm then yeah


if barrel is 400 - 1 tooth

if barrel is 350 - 2~3 teeth

if barrel is 300 - 3~4 teeth


sorta thing - but really stick to 7.4v & twenties is plenty is the general reply

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1 hour ago, Sitting Duck said:

I'm baffled how you haven't smashed the piston/gearset up on 11.1v tbh


must be a tough piston to have survived so far, but i'd put good money on something like the rack giving out before long.

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SSG at that RPS on full teeth?


Dayum son, that's impressive :D but expect some fireworks soon inside the gearbox.

I'd seriously look at shortening the barrel, it's not just a matter of volume but also the amount of air behind each bb, Luke @negative airsoft did a video using his own physics a while ago in which explains why super high ROF builds need short barrels.


Or use a 7.4, 23 RPS is okay and you'll have better performance than 95% of the AEGs on the field while putting less stress on the mechanical parts :D


Still, I would recommend knocking off a couple of teeth from the sector gear, so in case you are dead set on 11.1 memes you don't risk stripping everything.

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