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V2 Gearbox Issue New (Second Hand Gun)

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Biught a gun off this site advertised 35ros 330fps 


Arrived Friday test fired in garden shot nice and straight 


Took it to my local. Cqb site and outdoor site today chronod 220fps 54rps!


Spoke to the seller said spring must be worn  asked around found somone with a new 100 spring and then got the on site tech to install the spring on tear down discovered the air cylinder wasn't sealing on the cylinder head and appears to be  cut on the squiff (or has bashed it self like it??) 


The pistol nozzle has been filed down?? 

And no barrel spring on the hop unit 



Spoke to seller had no reply. What would people's advice be on this situation 

Is there anytbing I could have done to cause this in 1 magazine of. 28s with the battery provided with the gun (also puffed up) 



Second used gun I've been "had with now"  maby I should just spend 160 on a new gun?? 




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That looks pretty "Bodged to get it working enough" to me. 


I mean replacing the air seal stuff isn't the end of the world. But the seller should be paying for this stuff or offering a refund. 

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YES - buy a new gun


is that gearbox an APS QC v2 with a hairline crack start to show above cylinder head ???


Ver.2 HYBRiD Gearbox Shell [APS]


The first clip/pic seems to show the startings of a small crack appearing to me

though it could be a casting defect


APS boxes are known to crack if pushed though


wtf is an APS doing in a Classic Army M4

what happened to original box

how old is this gun (for real, not just 9 months old bollox)


sorry you had a bad purchase

(didn't buy it from a bloke in Ireland by chance ???)

had dealings with a fine tech seller there many years ago...


Yup Looks good to me - Crazy Eyes Steve | Meme Generator


did the bloke put sawdust in the box to quieten down the gear shimming ???

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It was sold as fully working off this site I was happy with how it sounded it shot straight but no distance  was gutted when it chronod so low  but the rps was mental 


Only thing I see may be a issue is if the gearbox has taken damage from the cylinder smashing around 


What would be a  acceptable price to pay to get this rectified as I ain't too keen on pulling a box appart with the shims etx 

1 minute ago, Sitting Duck said:



sorry you had a bad purchase

(didn't buy it from a bloke in Ireland by chance ???)

Not sure what the box is and no was from 


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£25 - £30 for 1 hour tech work, plus parts cost.  New cylinder head, new nozzle plus what else is wrong so £50 - £60 min.  You won't really know till someone open's it up.  Also as @Sitting Duck says could be a gearbox replacement as well, add another £25 on for that.


How much did you pay in total?

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if that has a big dragon M160 motor in there it will fire like fucking high speed 45k rpm


on a spring producing 240fps that is a third of the power

but some of that is likely due to nozzle filed too short and not sealing against bucking 101%

but regardless...


the motor is over double the speed of a regular stock/std motor

or 50% more than a balanced 25~30k motor

low fps/spring, weak spring - yeah you would be hitting even more...


motor alone would shoot 25rps on 18:1 gears @ say 340fps

add in high speed gears you could acheive say 33rps on 7.4v

or 50rps on 11.1v but would be risky on 11.1v

weak spring would take it higher


money has been spent on it - perhaps

but seems like a piss poor tech assembled it

OR it WAS assembled correctly onnce but some wanna be has fucked it up

& just decided to flogg it on, cutting their losses with it and off loading it


motor if a Big Dragon M160 is way too fast, should have strong silver neodym magnets

or if not is crappy M120 with weak ferrite - very fast still but not as much grunt

(they both tend to draw too much current and run hot - m140 is best motor)


gears/box - don't know but looks like it assembled in the dark

that could be a hairline cracking starting to appear


sooooo if that is correct, then you will need to look at a new gearbox shell £25


& time to fit it & rectify other issues

BUT I would NOT get a APS shell tbh...

you want something robust that works than a metal speed mofo in a shell that cracks if you fart near it


you can try to contact the seller and at the VERY LEAST seek the cost of a new shell

(if that is a fracture appearing - looks like it)

or a tech's time say 1hr @ £25 to sort the thing


failing that - start a paypal dispute

(please don't tell me you gifted the seller money)


I'd like to give seller benefit of the doubt & hope this issue can be resolved

but at times people selling stuff that is far from description or offloading stuff/shit on its last legs

well - that doesn't sit too well with me personally

especially when newcomers get left a little bit stung perhaps


The issue with some newcomers apart from being a bit naieve

if their UKARA hasn't come through, there are people keen to flog shit

& ask no questions or you got less comeback

(I got stung like that when I first started)


get UKARA, buy new shit and forget buying broken guns from moody sellers

(now I simply break all my own guns instead :D )

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It is a m160. Motor very strong and torquey


I'll get more picturesin regards to the air cylinder and box what should I be looking to retrieve financially for it? 



So g box 25 ish 

Cylinder 10andnthen tech timso 60 70? Or just a full refund 


Paid goods (learnt with the last gun) 

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3 minutes ago, Robert James said:

And thats why I never buy on this site  generally, from people that have no profile picture, zero posts etc. They just come on here to sell spaf


I guess Zero In or Zero One forums was down that day


min 100/250/500 posts

hand note with name/date etc...


soz but many different forums adopt this rule

and any exemptions - there are some should pm mod with say ebay feedback or something

to verify their integrity


dodgy sellers can carry on with Free Ad's & other sites, but most of us on here

have a bit of integrity & not fleece others, treat as you find & all that

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how do you jam a nozzle - even tappet plate should fly freely

as ETU has no convential trigger trolley shuttling below it

must have been assembled by Stevie Wonder & Ray Charles


maybe aftermarket nozzle was way too loose on G&G tappet and got borked in use ???


wires chewed up - well by motor they can get chewed

and tbh on ETU they should run both the motor wires down back

and just have the ETU signal wire/cable by motor entry point on v2 box

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yup - I see the fragile ETU mosfet unit just behind the welded motor

I'm guessing the red/posi 2.8mm connector snapped off or broke at the bend


so little Timmy thought he would get his mate to weld the wire back on

(rather than fit new connector)


I'll guess he didn't want to fuck up the better motor that was in Predator

so then used cheap shitty motor from say a Combat Machine Raider or something


I'd lay money there is nice unwelded Ifrit motor kept back by seller...


Ifrit 25k Motor - Long (25000 RPM) - shop Gunfire


Green nozzle - fuck knows where from, maybe some cheap unbranded OEM thingy, that was perhaps a bit to snug in G&G hop unit - even some red SHS nozzles can be a tiny bit snug in a brand new G&G hop unit...

(Other times they move smoothly - maybe minor variations in batches or if they have been "run in" or any minor burr polished out after a few thousand rounds)

I'll guess the nozzle is a bit snug & where the box was refitted, the stock tightened up, tilted box upwards slightly at front. Which then caused the nozzle to rub more at top of hop unit inside - thus the nozzle doesn't fly back n forth smoothly but snags instead


Wanker tech, not for making these errors - we have all had grief

and we are still dropping the ball at times with shitty toy guns


But they are a WANKER for palming it off onto others

Than fix the fucking thing properly

If they did it correctly, they probably would keep it

But nope fuck up the "upgrades" (semi wanker)

Couldn't or couldn't be arsed to fix it (lazy wanker)

Then offload it onto somebody else (fucking wanker)

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50 minutes ago, Welshd1k said:

Spot on ain't it 

I had a pet squirrel that I taught to solder...he was crap as well! 😉👍


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