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Gate Titan Being a Twat?

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Hey bois,

A teammate of mine recently (he collected it this afternoon) purchased a Titan (advanced bundle) and he's already having issues with it.

From what I understand the unit doesn't "see" the sector gear so it fucks up the cycling.

Haven't seen his installation so I'm a bit clueless, if that would help I could ask him to send me some pics.


Any idea?

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Take the whole gearbox apart... Clean it and degrease it specifically around the gears... There is also more than likely a large lob of grease obscuring the said optical sensor on the titan. It needs to be cleaned... Tell your mate to only apply minimal grease to the gears... Job Done!

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What they said.


If it was an Aster it'd be the shimming but the Titan uses a different sensor setup.

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Spoke to my fwend, he says the Titan has a bit of slack when seated in, most likely to fine tune the positioning of the unit.

Also he cleaned the sensors but the issue is still there.

He'll send me some pictures later.

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Hold on, two other things here then... 


1. Ensure that the single screw holding the titan in place is properly screwed in place using the nylon/plastic washer that comes with the kit. Check the screw ain't coning out the bottom side of the gearbox either.

2. Ensure that the gearbox halves properly fit with no gaps.. Has he filed down the gearbox lugs? Only a mill or two will be needed.

3. If the titan has some slack it the gearbox may have some warping. It could have happened if your friend hammered 6mm bushes into the 5.9mm holes using the finesse of a sledge hammer. Or the titan may be bent but that unlikely. Solution add an extra shim to the gear and see what happens. Tell him to test without any grease on anything and certainly no spring/piston in either... Oh and don't test in the sunshine either incase that interferes with the optical sensor.

4. Has he followed the youtube videos? The install is actually straight forward except for some slight mod to the gearbox if it's rear wired..

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Turns out he had to mod the G&G box and slightly shim the Titan, as it wasn't reading the sector gear.


We'll test this sunday :)


Thanks for the help guys :)

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4 minutes ago, Skara said:

Turns out he had to mod the G&G box and slightly shim the Titan, as it wasn't reading the sector gear.


We'll test this sunday :)


Thanks for the help guys :)


Ahhhh this just shows how fine the tolerances these optical mosfets adhere too.. If the gap is too wide then the handshake between the sensor and the gear won't register.... That's interesting know... I wonder how many others have thought their titans were tits when the same thing happened to them?


Oh another note @Skara are you guys playing Airsoft again over in Italy?

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2 minutes ago, AlphaBear said:

Ahhhh this just shows how fine the tolerances these optical mosfets adhere too.. If the gap is too wide then the handshake between the sensor and the gear won't register.... That's interesting know... I wonder how many others have thought their titans were tits when the same thing happened to them?


Yeah the guy was freaking out as a €150 turd is hard to digest :P


2 minutes ago, AlphaBear said:

Oh another note @Skara are you guys playing Airsoft again over in Italy?

Yep, we're allowed to play but we have some restrictions, we need to notify the local police, measure temperatures, ensure a 2m distance between people, can't invite other clubs or join others, have masks with us if the distance can't be enforced (say pause between games or in cqb where it's hard to enforce 2 metres between OpErAtOrS) it's not too bad as nobody wants to play with us anyway (either because we're a bunch of elitist twats or because our field is "too hard" for them) :D


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2 minutes ago, Skara said:

Yeah the guy was freaking out as a €150 turd is hard to digest :P


Yep, we're allowed to play but we have some restrictions, we need to notify the local police, measure temperatures, ensure a 2m distance between people, can't invite other clubs or join others, have masks with us if the distance can't be enforced (say pause between games or in cqb where it's hard to enforce 2 metres between OpErAtOrS) it's not too bad as nobody wants to play with us anyway (either because we're a bunch of elitist twats or because our field is "too hard" for them) :D



I think in the UK most outdoor sites will start opening in July.  I'm hoping mine will be open late July otherwise August. But it all depends upon how the minimum Covid engagement distances can be maintained. It's 1m in the UK as from 4th July but in reality outdoor distances should be easy to maintain. It's not as if we are gonna go around hi-fiving and giving our team mates man hugs now are we?


And there's nothing wrong about being elitist twats... it just means you become cannon fodder for everyone else to shoot at 😆

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1 minute ago, AlphaBear said:

it just means you become cannon fodder for everyone else to shoot at 😆

Nah, they're pretty lazy twats who expect to cross open ground without being shot at :D Meanwhile we are used to go through dense bushes, avoiding obvious spots :)


It's what got us to the national finals 2 years ago, what almost got us to the national finals last year (we literally had to toss a coin because us and another team got the same amount of points lol).

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2 minutes ago, AlphaBear said:

If one hasn't got ones head in a good bush then you ain't played Airsoft properly...🤔




is that a double, or single entendre?

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1 minute ago, Adolf Hamster said:


is that a double, or single entendre?

It's too hot to elicit a response.. Let me have a few beers tonight and I'll let you know then.....

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