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Couple of questions about smoke along with pyro/launchers

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Hi all,


Just looking for a bit of feedback from some of the more experienced members of the forum in this field.


My first question is, which are the best smoke grenades on the market for airsoft and (assuming the answer is different) the most cost effective? The two big contenders seem to be Enola Gaye and TLSFX with a few outliers here and there. I'd aslo be interested in recommendations for good suppliers for these.


My second question, pyro and launchers. I've seen the TLSFX mortar rounds (I think they're the mortar rounds) being fired from a variety of launchers but the big contenders seem to be home made (presumably one piece) M79 Thumpers/Pirate guns and mortars. Can anyone advise if your average UGL (M203/M320) holds up to this sort of abuse or if this is best left to more specialised pieces of kit?


Any input is greatly appreciated.

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Pretty much every site Ive played at wont allow you to launch pyro from anything, because would you want a heavy solid burning grenade fired at you?


As for which one is better? Whichever is cheapest on the day, theyre much of a much-ness and lets be honest hardly anyone uses smoke cover effectively in airsoft and hicap heros can just dump a mag through the smoke anyway :P 

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As I am sponsored by Enola Gaye you should read this that I have bias, my opinion is that EG are the better, along with their specifications, Dr Johns science (he contributed majorly to European EN safety standards for pyro) and their quality control (I’ve participated in QC which they conduct on every design and batch)

Their pyro is made in China, but in the factory that EG built and run


I highly recommend against launching pyro, anyone doing that needs control systems in place.


Ive used both brands and many others, and have a team mate who was blown up by a different brand which had slack processes and contaminated the fuse with the payload - it exploded immeadiately and ripped apart his glove.  The photos of his partially gloved hand and the timely photo sequence of him dissapearing in a cloud of smoke we’re stuck on the walls of the factory


EG pyro have some fail safe features, which when used improperly mean that the fuse will fail.  Such as being heavy handed on the striker or pulling the ring pull up (which was/is the norm with some brands and means the user gets a chemical burn as it ignites) EG ring pulls should be pulled to the side to ignite, if you pull up then it will just pull away


Read the instructions and familiarise yourself with how it is to be used


A key factor is really about where you will use it. Pyro needs to be collected from the supplier or delivered via approved couriers.  That is not cheap.  Buy the brand that your site sells.

If you buy directly then you will need to purchase a case at a time ...... and store it in the original packaging.  Though it is cardboard, it is designed for transport / storage and is part of the safety regulations 

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@Tommikka The feedback is appreciated. Regarding the launching I'd verify with my site the processes in place ahead of time, however, I don't see the point in broaching the subject prior to confirming if I have a suitable launch device.


Regarding using what the site supplies, unfortunately they don't have anything available on site as far as smoke is concerned but it is allowed on site. I will have a look at the EG stuff. Which of their smokes would you recommend? I've noticed they're available in a variety of sizes.

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55 minutes ago, FreeFrag.UK said:

@Tommikka The feedback is appreciated. Regarding the launching I'd verify with my site the processes in place ahead of time, however, I don't see the point in broaching the subject prior to confirming if I have a suitable launch device.


Regarding using what the site supplies, unfortunately they don't have anything available on site as far as smoke is concerned but it is allowed on site. I will have a look at the EG stuff. Which of their smokes would you recommend? I've noticed they're available in a variety of sizes.


I prefer the EG18 / EG18X, they are substantial in the hand for a good throw and give out good cover.  

But they obviously cost more than the ‘standard’ size of the WP40 etc.  

The classic rental player will buy one standard smoke, throw it, wait and then do nothing when the smoke clears.  That would work better if two or three were thrown which brings you the option of throwing one EG18 for a good smoke cloud or a couple of WP40s which give you the ability to throw in two spots and space out the cloud.

The EG25 gives a nice bit of smoke for its size, and is handy for a quick short cloud.


The environment affects how the smoke will

perform, it stays in the air in the woods or sheltered areas and shifts quickly in open areas (obviously in the wind too)


The coloured picture gives a relative guide to the amount of smoke given out by each grenade


Its worth a watch of the product videos on YouTube for the density and burn time of different smokes 






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This is a discussion that's probably been around nearly as long as airsoft itself, usually the general consensus among experienced players is DONT.

yep, I know there's been a few homemade launchers of various designs that have worked, but you can guarantee there's a lot more that have failed miserably, & run the risk of serious harm had they been deployed in a game situation.

as has been pointed out, get a tag setup or similar, proven but also accepted at most sites, very important when you consider the insurance implications.

personally, I think their gonna go the same way as moscarts etc, big fad now but cost & limited effect will see players tire of them ?, & revert to dealing death with the traditional 6mm bb 😏, with regular bangs & smokes "thrown in" for effect.

(see what I did there🤓)

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@Tommikka Thank you for the follow up response. Just as one more quick question, which colours would you say are the most effective for creating cover?


@Tackle It was more out of curiosity as I've seen the TLSFx mortar rounds used at milsim events. In fairness I'd probably look at TAG rounds as they seem far more flexible given the array of shell types. My main interest on the launcher side of things is from a future perspective as there are a few guys I play with regularly and we're starting to looking into milsim and filmsim events.

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4 minutes ago, FreeFrag.UK said:

@Tommikka Thank you for the follow up response. Just as one more quick question, which colours would you say are the most effective for creating cover?


@Tackle It was more out of curiosity as I've seen the TLSFx mortar rounds used at milsim events. In fairness I'd probably look at TAG rounds as they seem far more flexible given the array of shell types. My main interest on the launcher side of things is from a future perspective as there are a few guys I play with regularly and we're starting to looking into milsim and filmsim events.

I like purple because it’s pretty


Black is a bit different, but could cause false alarm issues having black smoke wafting about


But when using like for like grenade types the clouds have similar densities, they give a thick cloud initially then leave a haze

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I’d say Tackle is spot on about TAG rds , seen them in use a fair bit recently and I’ve heard lots commenting on getting them BUT and this is the crucial point you really have to know what your doing with them , this is not from a safety point of view it’s from an effect of use point of view . Unless you know how to use them properly then all your doing is wasting a LOT of money . Because they have got amazing range on them unless you know how to aim off and drop them on your target you aren’t going to be doing anything amazing with them . Most players I’ve seen using them have been firing on line of sight targets that quite frankly most could probably have used a hand grenade for the job and not a £6+ tag round , whole point of them is to clear over targets or really long distances , I have seen a few players using them effectively but only player I’ve come across who does it absolutely spot on is a team mate of mine who was a small arms instructor in the RAF Regt and taught how to use a UGL and he is fecking deadly with them ! 

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