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i think youre all gonna need some tissues....

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I am gradually warming to it I have to admit, I really love that it comes in that awesome case, I quite like the back end around the stock grip and bolt.


But, from the magazine forward it's truly hideous apart from the flash hider, I really don't understand the need for rails on what is supposed to be a highly long range platform, one rail for a range finder, or maybe a bipod, but 4 rails? What else can you really put on a sniper that would be of any use?


Also, why does the stock fold if it comes off?


Annddd, the fake carbon fibre sticker looks utterly, atrociously, appauling in that close up shot.

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I am gradually warming to it I have to admit, I really love that it comes in that awesome case, I quite like the back end around the stock grip and bolt.


But, from the magazine forward it's truly hideous apart from the flash hider, I really don't understand the need for rails on what is supposed to be a highly long range platform, one rail for a range finder, or maybe a bipod, but 4 rails? What else can you really put on a sniper that would be of any use?


Also, why does the stock fold if it comes off?


Annddd, the fake carbon fibre sticker looks utterly, atrociously, appauling in that close up shot.


Im not impressed at all the more i look at that review. The case might look 'nice' but once your stock is on the case is too small..whats the point of that??

Over the quality is balls for the price..dont get me started on the sh*tty fake carbon handguard. i mean for that price you

could expect it to be real carbon fibre.

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I am gradually warming to it I have to admit, I really love that it comes in that awesome case, I quite like the back end around the stock grip and bolt.


But, from the magazine forward it's truly hideous apart from the flash hider, I really don't understand the need for rails on what is supposed to be a highly long range platform, one rail for a range finder, or maybe a bipod, but 4 rails? What else can you really put on a sniper that would be of any use?


Also, why does the stock fold if it comes off?


Annddd, the fake carbon fibre sticker looks utterly, atrociously, appauling in that close up shot.


On the real steel the rails are for laser designators, night vision, ect. On the airsoft model they're added weight though. The stock folds so you can remove the bolt without having to remove the stock entirely, it also makes an easier connection point to the rifle.

The stock also comes off so it's easier to store it in a boot of a car or something, you'd have to add the extra length to the case to accommodate the stock and that would make it harder to store so why not just take it off and save space?


Apart from that, the rifle is hideously ugly and they should have just made the Remington MSR instead. It has all the practical features of this but I actually like the look of the MSR.

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On the real steel the rails are for laser designators, night vision, ect. On the airsoft model they're added weight though. The stock folds so you can remove the bolt without having to remove the stock entirely, it also makes an easier connection point to the rifle.

The stock also comes off so it's easier to store it in a boot of a car or something, you'd have to add the extra length to the case to accommodate the stock and that would make it harder to store so why not just take it off and save space?


Apart from that, the rifle is hideously ugly and they should have just made the Remington MSR instead. It has all the practical features of this but I actually like the look of the MSR.


Maybe with the stock folded it would still fit in the case..


You said it the MSR is stunning compared to this. Check out this page for a collection of tactical precision sniper rifles.

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This kind of rifle makes me feel like a old grumpy man. I'm not really a big fan of the whole tacticool thing, in fact every time I look at these kind of guns I can't help but think that they look like the bastard child of a Meccano set and a box of Lego. Still, as someone said above, to each their own.


Anyway, just so this post isn't me being curmudgeonly, here are some nice pictures of the aforementioned lovechild:




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Pretty sure there's a review of this in this months AI (I'm on my honeymoon at the mo' so I cant check).

IIRC it's retail is around £500-£550, it weighs something ridiculous like 6kg and it's out of the box performance is lacklustre at best.

All thats assuming that it is the same rifle, my memory hasn't failed me etc.

Also I'm with Algy on this one RE: all this tacticool nonsense, if it isn't a train it dont need rails.

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what if it' the Moddified car from back to the Future i seem to remember something about it needing Rail's so surely everything else need's them but this Rifle is just an expensive mop or rather will be if i get it lol

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It might have had the body of a delorian, but it was being pushed by train!


Anyway, I think some of it looks great. As a lot of airsoft is down to personal aesthetics, its a tricky question; would you pay £500 for a pretty rifle but then have to spend the same again to get it up to scratch?

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