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Returning after 10yr

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Hi All,


I’ve been spending some time thinking about getting back into Airsoft after about a 10yr absence.

Since all my kit/guns have been sold or given away when I stopped playing.


I understand I will need to get a ukara membership before I get any new weapons.


I’ve recently moved to Cambridgeshire and was hopping someone would be able to recommend a site to start play at in my local area. 

Also how are solo players treated and are there often meetup from the forum?

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Where abouts are you in Cambridgeshire? Loads of sites and loads of players in our area. @djben9 is the man to help here!

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Welcome back Kong, while you don't need ukara, there are other ways of proving a defense to a seller, it is generally the most accepted & easiest defense to check, for both retailers & private sellers.

THE site in Cambridge area to play has always been urban assault, but unfortunately it's facing imminent closure (?) as the sites being redeveloped for housing (don't get me started lol 😤), although I understand it has a sister woodland site close by, I've never played there.

I'd recommend you pay a visit to firesupport, that's the well respected retailer in Cambridge that runs both playing sites, they'll be a great help in getting you started again.

do you have any guns left ?, I ask as you list one in your profile signature, if not I'd recommend you get a decent quality two tone rather than renting & wasting money, just get something you can easily turn back in to a riff once you've achieved ukara status, alternatively if you can prove your previous playing experience, you may convince someone to sell a rift to you ?.

as for turning up to sites alone, just do it, most of us are a friendly bunch who are keen to involve newcomers 😀


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@Prisce I'v Just moved to St Ives in the last 6month.


@Tackle I have an old gun which im going to start working on again to get it back up to scratch as i needs some work since it not been used in a long time and partly boken. I will have to make some time and take a trip up to firesupport and have a chat with them.


I did come across a site but has anyone been to it at all it called SWAS Airsoft Site at RAF Wyton.       https://airsoftsitesukswas.co.uk/


what sort of brand should i be looking for since ive been so out of touch with all the AEG makers i dont know where to start.

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  On 27/05/2019 at 12:46, Kong said:

@Prisce I'v Just moved to St Ives in the last 6month.


@Tackle I have an old gun which im going to start working on again to get it back up to scratch as i needs some work since it not been used in a long time and partly boken. I will have to make some time and take a trip up to firesupport and have a chat with them.


I did come across a site but has anyone been to it at all it called SWAS Airsoft Site at RAF Wyton.       https://airsoftsitesukswas.co.uk/


what sort of brand should i be looking for since ive been so out of touch with all the AEG makers i dont know where to start.


I'm down on the south coast so knowledge of sites up there is very limited, but I'm sure many on here will know if swas is worth trying.

that said, firesupport are very good with the technical stuff, I'm sure they'll put yours right or sort the bits you need to diy, plus you already owning a high end gun may go some way in there eyes (hopefully) to show/prove your a bonafide player, & therefore meet vcra defense requirements, worth a punt ?.

brandwise it depends on the platform & budget, at the cheaper end of say the m4 range, everyone's raving about the g&g combat machine range, for pricier stuff it's still tm ruling the roost but with some other brands snapping at their heels, such as kwa & vfc, but to be honest the choice is massive, as an example if you wanted an m14, I'd previously owned a tm & thought it was the bollocks, more recently picked up a dirt cheap cyma m14 socom & tbh I can't fault it.

 I'd stay away from nuprol, 99% of ALL their kit appears to be shite, one or two more recent members on here have tried to defend them but personally I don't think it's worth the risk with your money.

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I was going to go down the M4/AR15 route as I still have about 30 midcap mags laying about. 


I did look at the G&G combat machine range but they all have plastic body’s all I remember was when I first got an AEG and the TM plastic M4 body was shocking so I’m a bit unsure about the new plastic body’s.


I was looking at the Ares but have never used one before so don’t know much about them 

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Guest Yukarin

Can't fault the Combat Machines plastic bodies, nylon reinforced, really sturdy but do creak a little. But for a similar price point there are full metal Specnas. Ares are hit or miss.

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  On 27/05/2019 at 16:10, UKCYukarin said:

Can't fault the Combat Machines plastic bodies, nylon reinforced, really sturdy but do creak a little. But for a similar price point there are full metal Specnas. Ares are hit or miss.



Ok thanks UKCYuKarin I will look at the G&G more closely and not so much at the Ares.

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  On 27/05/2019 at 12:46, Kong said:

@Prisce I'v Just moved to St Ives in the last 6month.


@Tackle I have an old gun which im going to start working on again to get it back up to scratch as i needs some work since it not been used in a long time and partly boken. I will have to make some time and take a trip up to firesupport and have a chat with them.


I did come across a site but has anyone been to it at all it called SWAS Airsoft Site at RAF Wyton.       https://airsoftsitesukswas.co.uk/


what sort of brand should i be looking for since ive been so out of touch with all the AEG makers i dont know where to start.



Welcome!....no that far from me :)


I would say try Urban Assault at RAF Upwood, but sadly, its supposed to close soon....Summer 2019 :(

.i'll keep it updated here



then there is Gunman Airsoft & Team Green at Tuddenham, near Red Lodge, easy run for you from St.Ives.....


Ive yet to get to SWAS at RAF Wyton but looking to do it ASAP, just family things keep coming up at weekends!....on your doorstep!


There is also Mad dog Airsoft near Brampton, ive not tried there but i think @AndyDynamic and @Markuz have??



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  On 28/05/2019 at 09:43, djben9 said:


I would say try Urban Assault at RAF Upwood, but sadly, its supposed to close soon....Summer 2019 :(

.i'll keep it updated here





definitely try to squeeze a couple of games in there before its gone, its one of those semi-unique sites that are getting hard to find, over the years I've played there prob 6 or 7 times, would have been more but I'm 150 miles away, but always found it to be a well managed site.😁

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its where i 1st played, back in 2015 for my brothers stag party!....i was one of those for a day! haha....took the UKARA form as well just in case i decided to carry on.....now look! 


i like its urban setting, so will be a big hole once its gone for game sites over here, hopefully others will pop up nearer this way that are similar....plenty of old air bases dotted around!


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  On 28/05/2019 at 10:08, djben9 said:

took the UKARA form as well just in case i decided to carry on.....now look! 


mate, once it gets its hooks in to you, your screwed 😜.


bit like marriage but without the earache 😉

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Thanks @djben9 for the list of sites in the area it’s much appreciated are they all UKARA sites as the SWAS site at RAF Wyton is not going to be I don’t think as I emailed them and the response I got was in so many words saying if I play there they will sell me kit but that then restricts me to only buy from them and I don’t really want that to be the case.


@Tackle @djben9 if I get my self sorted in time I will definitely try and make a trip to urban assault.


what is the best sort of gun set up for the sites around here as my gun have usually been low FPS high speed for CQB as they where most of the site I played at when I was living in the south west.



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GMA / Team Green is a UKARA reg site, UA is but its now closed so forget that one!. Not sure about Mad dog.


if you can, get to GMA and start there, you have 12months to get it done and once done, you only have to visit once a year to renew, but yeah otherwise, SWAS is fine as you'll be known and play there etc :)


TBH most known brands will be fine on all the sites, i use ICS AEGs, dont change them for any site, all under 350 fps (firing around .325/330) as well


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  On 29/05/2019 at 06:18, Kong said:

Thanks @djben9 for the list of sites in the area it’s much appreciated are they all UKARA sites as the SWAS site at RAF Wyton is not going to be I don’t think as I emailed them and the response I got was in so many words saying if I play there they will sell me kit but that then restricts me to only buy from them and I don’t really want that to be the case.


@Tackle @djben9 if I get my self sorted in time I will definitely try and make a trip to urban assault.


what is the best sort of gun set up for the sites around here as my gun have usually been low FPS high speed for CQB as they where most of the site I played at when I was living in the south west.




SWAS owner is on here, sound guy and very helpful, his prices are great and he will get you something in if he doesn’t have it in stock. So don’t let that put you off.


As for best set up. Everyone is different. I’m used to playing with a mixture of RIFs.


CQB guns, nothing beats the modified FireHawk we have.

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Nice man I’m just coming back after 8 years of a lot has changed  trying to learn as much as I can first day back on it on Sunday doing a rental for three goes see if I still like it if I do il get that UKARA I’m in heartfordshire myself  hope you find a place to go and enjoy 👍🏻👌🏻

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  On 28/05/2019 at 09:43, djben9 said:


Welcome!....no that far from me :)


I would say try Urban Assault at RAF Upwood, but sadly, its supposed to close soon....Summer 2019 :(

.i'll keep it updated here



then there is Gunman Airsoft & Team Green at Tuddenham, near Red Lodge, easy run for you from St.Ives.....


Ive yet to get to SWAS at RAF Wyton but looking to do it ASAP, just family things keep coming up at weekends!....on your doorstep!


There is also Mad dog Airsoft near Brampton, ive not tried there but i think @AndyDynamic and @Markuz have??




Hi guys, I can highly recommend SWAS at RAF Wyton. Its my local site and the guys there are very helpful and welcoming. The games are well marshalled and there are some good game types.


The site itself is huge and is constantly evolving, new hand built bunkers and forts are going up all the time.


They have snacks, burgers hot dogs and drinks available too which is great.


As far as fair play goes, the marshals are taking it seriously, the majority of players are taking hits and the marshals make sure the games flow well.


Safety is well catered for too, the briefings are good so everyone knows what is expected of them on site.


A bunch of us are going this saturday including @Andydynamic and others, feel free to look for us and join us. I'll be the guy with an M14 or Thompson.

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It sounds good. Is the site very open or is there some woodland or buildings etc 

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