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Lower face masks?

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Hi guys, 

I'm relatively new to airsoft and have noticed when wearing a mesh lower face mask I have difficulty aiming down my sight. Is there any solution to this? Or is there a possible alternative fave protection or even a need for lower face protection, what are the chances of losing a tooth? It is only a eorry for me as I had braces as a child and don't want to ruin the work done. Thank you 


Also I was wondering does anyone know about any upcoming summer events in the south west of England or Wales area? 

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The masks with cloth sides allow a better cheek weld.


E.g something like this:



I always were a mask, but I like my teeth 😄


If you have an all metal mask, it can be moulded to better fit your face, that is what I did.  Bend the mesh to shape.





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i have only been playing 6 months and haven’t used a mask yet

simply because I hadn’t bought one yet

have taken a few shots to the face & nose , but luckily enough not to the mouth

i have just bought one of the masks in the link above because it has padded side material panels and gives flexibility and allows me to get down onto the stock for looking through my sites 👍

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First bit of advice I’ll always give to a new player is if you haven’t got face pro get some , saw a guy last wknd at black ops Portishead take a round to the mouth AND next morning he was going to need to ring the dentist to sort out his very chipped tooth ! You don’t need to even spend half of that much either , 10secs on fleabay and I found this one .


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I found my own solution with a small square piece of mesh that only covers my mouth and a balaclava.

Works wonders, doesn't make me sweat (too much) since the balaclava is made of decoy bag netting, covers the important bits and lets me aim down the lowest of sights :)


I believe I didn't even pay €20 for the materials 

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I don't see why people don't wear lower face pro. My teeth are awful anyway but I certainly don't need them shooting to bits to make it worse.


Lower mesh is fine, the cloth sided ones are OK in the colder months but can get a bit sweaty in the warmer months so I tend to use the full mesh most of the time now.

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4 minutes ago, Steveocee said:

I don't see why people don't wear lower face pro

They make your eyepro fog up and some models (full mesh) can be rather uncomfortable 

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14 minutes ago, Skara said:

They make your eyepro fog up and some models (full mesh) can be rather uncomfortable 

Devils advocate , get a good anti fog and it will reduce (but never really eliminate ) fogging ? I now swear by sawfly wipes , in between every game slip it out of my pocket quick wipe down sorted !  

I’ve seen way too many teeth shot out/lips split and faces severally messed up by hits not to wear lower face pro , I work in the public sector so I can’t turn up to work looking like I pissed off a bees nest ! 

Yes some are a pain to try and find a comfortable set up/position but I can live with that .👍

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