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London Sites

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Hi I am based in North London (Hendon), and I am looking for sites local to me, I don't drive so I have to rely on pubic transport but  I'm struggling to find a regular site. 


I used to go to Skirmish in billericay but it's full of cheats and almost no one calls there hits and all the games are the same. So I'm looking for somewhere else. If anyone knows of any good locations, I don't mind travelling but nothing over the 2 hour 30 mins. 








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55 minutes ago, superwok said:

Hi I am based in North London (Hendon), and I am looking for sites local to me, I don't drive so I have to rely on pubic transport but  I'm struggling to find a regular site. 


I used to go to Skirmish in billericay but it's full of cheats and almost no one calls there hits and all the games are the same. So I'm looking for somewhere else. If anyone knows of any good locations, I don't mind travelling but nothing over the 2 hour 30 mins. 








Check out my SE tour reviews. As for other London sites, Airsoft Plantation is my favourite, Chislehurst is also doable by public transport. Otherwise, look into the Watford ones, Reforger and The School. 

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There is also Skirmish Wycombe which isn't too far from you.








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Airsoft Plantation was ace last week. I would seriously look to visiting there if you can get there by public transport.


How often do you play out of interest? @superwok



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not that often due to the lack of sites, I did used to go to the Skirmish in billericay a lot but its a waste of time as the local team and other players just don't call hits and all the games are the same. I did manage to play at the mall in reading. That was a cracking place but expensive with travel and hotel ect. 


If I can find a decent place then probably would go twice a month  

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