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6 shot shotguns?

Leader Bee
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I'm planning on getting a cyma 357 for cqb, it's a nice small design but it's only a 3 shot gun. I understand there are 6 shotters out there but Im not fully up to speed...I DO know that I don't want a gas gun so I'm coming g to the community to see if they know of any similar designs to the cyma 357 that is a 6 shotter? Preferably stockless for size issues but might be willing to consider



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The only 6 shot shotguns are gas, Marui/Golden eagle m870 series and Marui KSG.

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And the Secutor Velites gas shotties.


If you do go spring, be aware that there's a lot of very cheap plastic parts to go wrong on tri-shots.  My CYMA is currently more like a 30-shot as it tries to feed every BB into the barrels at once. ;)


You might get lucky, and springers are great fun when they work, but it's not a platform on which I'd like to gamble my day's fun.

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I wasn't aware of that Roger. I'd heard they may double feed if not pumped correctly but not that they were likely to break.


I do like the ksg but I'm just not sure about using gas yet. I have an aeg which I'm quite happy with and the only experience with gas I have are moscart 'nades

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I am on my second TM Breacher (really regretted trading my first) and it is *well* worth buying one:


- good range

- huge fun

- genuinely rustles the opposition (especially when racking it)

- decent price

- well built

- six shots are a tremendous deterrent


Don't fear the gas.

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14 minutes ago, Leader Bee said:

I wasn't aware of that Roger. I'd heard they may double feed if not pumped correctly but not that they were likely to break.


I do like the ksg but I'm just not sure about using gas yet. I have an aeg which I'm quite happy with and the only experience with gas I have are moscart 'nades

Me and the lads I play with run gas pretty much exclusively (We have back up aegs) What is it about gas guns that puts you off?

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I love my gas guns, but they do take more work than an AEG to maintain


I have a cheap(ish) gas shotty I just rebuilt for sale in the classifieds if you wanted to try one out ;)



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Could always go for an AA12 , only 3-shots at a time but as it’s an AEG and it’s got a fet fitted and has outstanding trigger response 

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Just now, Druid799 said:

Could always go for an AA12 , only 3-shots at a time but as it’s an AEG and it’s got a fet fitted and has outstanding trigger response 


Very true, outstanding gun 👍🏻

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Just now, Immortal said:

TM Breacher :D

I love my KSG 😍

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46 minutes ago, Druid799 said:

Could always go for an AA12 , only 3-shots at a time but as it’s an AEG and it’s got a fet fitted and has outstanding trigger response 


Actually, if i am going the AEG route i think I prefer the looks of the SGR-12 :)

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