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Need opinions

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Clean the carpet.

All the advice we can give you with the information provided.

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Agreed. Get a decent foaming spray on carpet shampoo. Rinse and repeat.

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54 minutes ago, Jeffrey said:

Im almost done with my load out but I need some experienced players opinions.

Well MB03A and a Army armament R28 Kimber standard no upgrades.

Please and thank you.

Sorry to sound like an asshole, but we'll need more than that.

What do you want to do? Where do you play? Have you got other gear or is that really it?

What kind of advice do you need?

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2 hours ago, Jeffrey said:

I want my gear to look tactical as well as perform well. I play at billericay.i have daisy military goggles a half face mesh mask and a tactical police belt.



Go to Airsoft plantation!

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2 hours ago, Jeffrey said:

I want my gear to look tactical as well as perform well. I play at billericay.i have daisy military goggles a half face mesh mask and a tactical police belt.


To be honest going with the intent of looking to be as "tactical" as possible in combination with high performance doesn't really help clue us in any further. At the moment we have your "objective" when it comes to your loadout, a site location (this only helps those already familiar with the site) and your weapons.


Based off the little information you've given so far I can only suggest the following;

  • Wear clothing appropriate for your site and weather conditions at the time.
  • Don't overlook the value of a good pair of boots.
  • Try on your equipment ahead of time to make sure it fits, is comfortable and works for you.

Given you're evidently running a sniper orientated loadout I'd strongly advise making sure your sight is zeroed in and your hop is set up correctly.


As a point of observation I'm also going to assume that you're new to the hobby. Just be aware that unless your sniper rifle is heavily upgraded it will not perform like those used by numerous popular airsofters across YouTube. It costs a significant amount of time and money to attain performance levels similar to that achieved by the rifles in use by the various YouTube snipers. As another point of awareness, expect your learning curve with a sniper rifle to be incredibly steep, read vertical. It takes many hours of practice and practical application to achieve the shots you see on YouTube and don't be fooled, a lot of what you see is rarely taken from a single round of gameplay.


To end on a slightly brighter and more cheerful note, welcome to the hobby. Hopefully you find your feet and stick around. There is a wealth of information out there regarding most areas of airsoft, it pays to do your research ahead of time but don't be afraid to ask if you get stuck.

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Ditch both the guns and get something with a rail you can stick every single accessory on and watch seal team until your eyes bleed. Then and only then will you be tactical.... oh and you need to grow a mustache, beards are out since Freddie Mercury was resurrected for Bohemian Rhapsody.

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