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most realistic L85 aeg

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I suspect the only one which will fit your parameters would be the WE GBB L85. This is based on the fact you stressed that you're more interested in prioritising "operation" as opposed to the "aesthetics".

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I confused by prioritising operation? As the answer to that is none of them as no airsoft gun is close to the real thing. Yes a lot look almost identical, but none function or feel like an actual gun to fire, no matter what fancy 'recoil' they have.


Surely you should prioritise it operating well as an airsoft gun, and get one that is aesthetically as close to the real thing as possible?

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The WE gbbr is the most realistic in terms of externals,  build, field stripping, manual of arms and trigger feel. That being said, as an airsoft gun, the ICS is better for games

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Ehem? Cough cough 😉


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