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WTF ? Or those bits of kit that make you think why ?

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On 04/09/2018 at 04:02, clumpyedge said:


I'm assuming that being able to drink from these is almost mimicking the below link, the below is far superior and I am still contemplating getting one at some point.




I have an IcePlate and I love it.


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4 hours ago, SeniorSpaz87 said:


I have an IcePlate and I love it.




I mean the product, not Spaz ;)  

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I have actually not run into any condensation issues. However I think that may be because of the environment I play in. First, mine is in the hard plate section of my PC, so there are many layers between it and me. Second, I am a big boi so after about 20 minutes of running around in the sun im soaked through anyway. Third, I play in Florida, where you are generally covered in water about 30 seconds out the door due to the humidity. So it may very well leak on me, I just wont notice it haha.

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Plate carrier for a 4 year old.



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35 minutes ago, Gepard said:

Plate carrier for a 4 year old.




Hey dont diss it, young kids can be very effective, especially in cqb when you round a corner, see nobody, then get shot in the gonads by the dwarf you didnt see

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