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Anyone got a Cyma metal 3shot pump action?

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I have. It’s great for what it is.


£40 springer shotgun, feed it .28s, it’s accurate and has range to 25-30M. Just nasty.


Cant really comment on the pumping being tiring... depends on the individual.

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Yep, had a couple, single is easy to pump, triple is hard work, you’ll need to brace it hard into your shoulder, holding it hip height is difficult and tiring 

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2 hours ago, Prisce said:

£40 springer shotgun


That's the price for the plastic fantastics.  I had a heft of one of the club handled metal shorties recently, which does feel pretty robust. At 1.8kg though, it's not something I'd want to hold up in my sight line for long:




I have a pistol handled ASG tri shot, and yes, I'd call it tiring using one.  The significant part is that you need to complete the action in one motion.  99% of the way there isn't good enough.  If you fail to complete the pump, you risk double feeding, or in my case I lost my grip, the pump shot forwards and wrecked the mechanism at the front of the slide.  It wouldn't slide quite fully forwards again and somewhat bizarrely that stopped the trigger from operating.  I mention this because I only just figured it out and got it sorted this weekend by hacksawing parts off of it until it pewed again.


So I would agree with getting one with a solid or sliding stock rather than the pistol or Mad Max stylee ones, and have a backup to switch to later in the day when the will is there but the flesh is weak.


On accuracy and range, never mind .28g, I'd say mine under-hops 0.2g and needs to be used ballistically.  With a fixed hop (well, three of them) you're at the mercy of whatever random rubber or tension they put into that specific gun on the day it came out of the sweatshop.  You might get lucky, you might not.


That all sounds pretty negative, but they're actually great fun to use, in large part because of the physical effort required.  I'm glad I've got mine sorted (and of course, despite what I just said about stocks, I've just fettled up a wooden club handle for it ;) ) but I wouldn't spend more than £40 on a plastic fantastic.  I doubt that the internals in the metal shells are any more robust.

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10 minutes ago, emilianoksa said:

one advantage of the magpul fore-end is that you can attach a pistol grip to it.


Might help a bit with the pumping.


I thought so too, but part of my weekend experiments involved fettling a vertical wood grip straight onto the slide mechanism.  Pulling it back off-axis isn't efficient, it's like you're putting effort into trying to bend the gun.


The CM.355 looks like a good shout anyway though and £28 - £30 is a great price from TaiwanGun at the moment.  I was awfully tempted to order the dark earth one at the weekend; that's what galvanised me into resurrecting my ASG and turning it into a bit of a Frankengun. ;)


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I got myself last month one of these which is great fun (CYMA CM.355LM), tri shot fixed hopper - easily coping with 0.25 probably could do 0.28g as well.


Quite heavy though and require shouldering to get the cocking motion to be as fluid as possible (does get easier the more rounds go through it)

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5 hours ago, DanP27 said:

get the cocking motion to be as fluid as possible (does get easier the more rounds go through it)


After giving my ASG a thorough lubing, particularly along the slide arms that run from the pump handle back to the spring, it is a good bit slicker.  Without a stock, it's your trigger arm that takes the strain, not the pump hand as you might expect.  I'd stress the importance of cocking it in a single committed motion: tug on it like you mean it. ;)




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When I was running my tri-shot springer (now on the gas !) I used a trick I was shown by a Yank marine , when ‘tromboneing’ the shot gun,  instead of pulling the cocking handle in to your self you push out with your trigger hand as your stronger pushing as aposed to pulling by doing it this way it’s easier to stay on target than pulling plus if your cream crackered from general tom foolery on the game day OR your running a stockless pistol grip model push with the trigger hand but pull in with the fore end hand as well (as if your trying to squash the shotgun) so your exerting even more pressure on the cocking mechanism . 👍

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Hmm, that does make sense.  I'll be springering it this weekend, pending some Velites G-IIs coming back in stock, and I'll give that a try.  Cheers.

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Heh. Heheheh.  What an ace day.  My ASG has really loosened up and is now pretty easy to pump.  I didn't even have to push with my trigger hand, and slam firing is actually viable.  It chronoed at a consistent 275fps on 0.2g.  Sadly, it's still not showing much sign of having any sort of actual hop, although the amount of silicone that I've spooged into its innards may have something to do with that.  I'll give it a good reaming.


But the verdict is that at a very-CQB site where you're engaging at a few metres range, springer tri-shots are actually usable, and as much fun as I remember.  There was a chap on the other team using one who repeatedly monstered us, taking out rooms full of players by being aggressive and confident.

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On 13/08/2018 at 19:51, Rogerborg said:

I wouldn't spend more than £40 on a plastic fantastic.  I doubt that the internals in the metal shells are any more robust.


Huh,  after saying that, I've just noticed that the metal CYMAs claim 290fps rather than 250 for the plastics, and can chrono at over 300.


And if they actually have a functional hop... hmm...

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