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Need Help to choose a gun

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Hi All,



I have narrowed my search down for a new gun to the following 3:-



Ares AM-014

Nuprol SOPMOD M4 


If someone can let me know if they have had any experience with the above and what they thought of them.


I have watched so many videos of reviews.



Thanks again




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Swerve them all and look at TM's, especially on Fire Support's site. 


Get something reliable, very decent and then have it hold a good price if you want to move it on. 


TM gives you both. 

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Of the 3 listed the G&G TR4-18 is probably the best one.  However, I would recommend TM guns instead but do appreciate that there is a big difference in budget required.

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Well, a new but standard TM AEG can be found for in and around £220, in places like Fire Support.


Obviously the TM EBB range is pricier, but I would avoid Ares and Nuprol like the plague if it were my money. 


But it is your money. 

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Thanks both, budget wise 330 is the most so I'm not going to be able to get a TM. so I was thinking of the G&G 

Thanks dent, what about the G&G

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59 minutes ago, JamesWatkins917 said:

Thanks both, budget wise 330 is the most so I'm not going to be able to get a TM. so I was thinking of the G&G 

Thanks dent, what about the G&G

With that budget, you can defo afford tm high cycles which are a lot of fun and practical too. Can choose from m4, aug, mp5k or ak spetsnaz. Check yt vids of them, pretty cool stuff.

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You can easily get a TM for that budget. 


G&G is the best in that lot. 


But seriously, buy TM. 

If you can find a second hand untinkered with TM EBB, it would probably be in that budget. 


There is a TM High Cycle M4 on JDBay for £220. Tempted myself tbh. 

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Forget all of the above.


Go on firesupport and look at the ICS transform4 and Par mk3. Can get both for £300 and both will last for ages and perform brilliantly. 


Tm high cycles are not all that and I would never buy one except maybe as a back up cqb gun.

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Hi gents. 



I have just found a TM M4 sopmod. For 450 I can stretch to that. How would that fair up. In the near future I do want to start doing milsim events so looking for realism. 



Thanks again 




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New?! Probably the most popular TM EBB there is. 


Go for it, I would say a large proportion of Milsim rifs are based on that model, as in, I think a lot modify it into the L119 models. 

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26 minutes ago, Dentonboy said:

New?! Probably the most popular TM EBB there is. 


Go for it, I would say a large proportion of Milsim rifs are based on that model, as in, I think a lot modify it into the L119 models. 

Thanks dent. There are 2 versions RIS rail and plastic handguard. The only difference I can see is where the battery is housed. 

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I would go RIS, personally, but your money, your choice. 

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6 hours ago, JamesWatkins917 said:

Thanks dent. There are 2 versions RIS rail and plastic handguard. The only difference I can see is where the battery is housed. 

The sopmod is the RIS model, the socom is the A1 plastic handguard version

Either are as good as each other, just make sure you get the lipo mod (battery wires soldered to the quick detach point in the stock) done if you get the sopmod

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