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Compatibility Notes Thread.

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Please post here any noteworthy compatibility discoveries you've made with airsoft products which you hoped/expected would be compatible/incompatible but were in fact not. And you couldn't find somewhere more appropriate to make a note of it. :) 



I can't see another general thread for this. I was looking for somewhere I could just post compatibility discoveries which might show up in future forum/search engine searches.


I'll start. 


Item 1:

Flyye open-top double MP7 magazine pouch and ASG Scorpion Evo Magazines mid cap.


The magazines are a very tight fit. As it stands I would say they do not fit. The wider base of the magazine 100% will not go into the pouch - can only accommodate upside down. I was able to get magazines in after about 5 minutes wriggling. While the pouch is visible strained (and I broke a nail or two) I hope they might stretch to accommodate the magazines - Flyee make good pouches so I don't expect much.


Unless the pouches do expand I must conclude that while they could be placed in the pouch with two hands while in the safezone with the pouch in front of oneself I think they could never be inserted one handed or into a mounted pouch.


I wouldn't Dremel the magazines for one type of magazine pouch but I believe taking two right angles off the magazine would allow them to be inserted by a single action levering - but never vertically.




Item 2:

TRMR w/ Multishot and Flyye BIB Single Rifle Magazine Pouch


Fits like a glove.



Item 3:

As previously mentioned in the dead magazine compatibility thread I started, ASG Scorpio Evo Mid caps won't feed 0.30g BBs effectively (tested perfectly on 0.25g), high cap no similar issues.


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The nozzle return springs for a KSC/KWA/ASG MP9, also fit perfectly in the KSC/KWA/ASG Mac11




Which is great news seeing as the Mac 11 chews up these springs all the time on full auto, and replacement Mac11 parts are like rocking horse poo now!

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Maybe more of a Noob mistake.


I didn''t realise there was more than one length for Lipo batteries.  The longer ones won't fit properly  into the butstock of a rifle like an ICS APE, they are too long.


They are usable, but you can only get the stock to position 3, no shorter, fine if you have long arms....





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ICS APE Metal Magazine Compatibility

- Lonex Metal Flash Mag - Works Fine after a good whack when inserting, might be because it is nearly new

- ICS Metal Hi- Cap - works fine, bit wobbly, but no feeding issues -  put a few short bursts of semi and auto using it

- MAG Mid-Caps - will not lock, the rectangular bit at the top of the mag looks too long

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Airsoft Pro G36 hop unit fits SRC XM8 and SRC G36 types. 


With the SRC G36 you could usually change the magwell so you can fit other hop units. However the XM8 has a fixed magwell, so usually you had to stick with the badly designed SRC metal hop unit.


The airsoft Pro unit comes with the extension tube so it can fit very well. It is a much better hop unit. 

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I was thinking of making a thread for all Safariland stuff, but I'll throw it here instead. 


The GLS (576-579) will fit any normal airsoft handgun. As long as it's not oddly shaped like a Luger, or massive like a Deagle or a mk23 it'll fit one of the two GLSs. 


TM guns are the only ones that have had a 100% fit rate so far with ALS holsters. WE guns don't fit - however you can upsize. For instance - a WE G17 won't fit in a ALS G17 holster, but it will fit in a G21 holster. His goes for the new EF glocks as well.


 The 6000 series can also be re shaped with a heat gun or hot hair dryer to make hem fit. 

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