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Lugers: Are they any good?

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I know KWC and WE make a Luger, and I've heard different things about them. Why is the WE one bad? It looks good to me, but then again I've never shot one. Are there any other companies? I do love the style of the Luger and I may consider getting one, so which one do I get?

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i have a we luger, and the 2 big problems with it are gas effeciency and the hop unit.


it claims it has a hop unit, but i'm damned if i can figure out how they think it's meant to work because my technical engineering conclusion after dissassembly is it does sweet fa


gas wise it'll regularly fail to get a full mag out of a gas charge and the cool down effect is really pronounced. it's due to the magazines simply not having the space to hold enough gas, maybe the trommel mags are better but i can't confirm that.


if you want it as a prop or as a very short range occasional pistol it's ok, but a good shooter it is not.

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I had a KWC Luger, great little shooter. Much nicer than the WE green gas version. Wish I'd kept it now.

Luger (1).JPG

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8 hours ago, GearTech said:

I had a KWC Luger, great little shooter. Much nicer than the WE green gas version. Wish I'd kept it now.

Luger (1).JPG

That's one badass Luger, now I want one

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Recently got the kwc luger. Must be a new batch as they are suddenly reappearing in stock in shops.


Such a good kick and nice weight compared to my tm sig. 


Only fired it in the garden so far.  Got just shy of 4 mags out of 1 co2 canister.  


Dunno what the fps is. I fear it might be a bit hot

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Get a Tanaka one would be my suggestion. 

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