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APS Carbine Kit

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Holla Ballers,


I am looking at this carbine kit;



Mostly as the RONI kits are outstocked, and well this is cheaper quite frankly.


Are they any good? At the moment ive got a WE G18C and a CM030 which it says it takes. Id also consider getting another G18C GBB if this kits worthy running a few games. I fancy dipping my toe into gas primary. Or am i better off just saving for a nice MP7 or something with regards to a gas primary?


Oh and also i love the WE glock but does the APS take the same mags (marui)? I could get the complete kit is all.





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On 23/04/2018 at 11:57 AM, richmt11 said:

a CM030 which it says it takes.


<aside> The AEP?  Huh, right enough, it does claim to be 1:1.  That's surprising, my CM.123 is significantly bulkier than a 1911. </aside>

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Yeh, one video i saw said it fits with some filing/shaving down.


So like you say its probably slightly oversize.


As a further aside point. I 3D printed an SAS front kit to save a few bob for my AEP. And it didnt fit. When modelling it i was using a 3d drawing of a G17 from GrabCAD. The SAS kit fit perfectly on my WE GBB but the AEP had the barrels off (higher), so it must be a bit taller.

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Personally dislike 90% of these kits available. Most look so shabby and crude and many add nothing to the look of the gun at all.  There are some shocking AK ones knocking around however there is a VSR kit which turns the gun into a destiny style sniper rifle and I WANT ONE!!!!

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