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Now looking to get a pistol :)

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Ive been looking at pistols and Im looking to spend around £100 what would you guys recommend ( I have to admit I have been impressed by TM pistols - but didn't know if they were just hype) 


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My advice - specify model you like and then ask for advice i.e. "which glock 17 make is the best / most reliable / has easily accessible parts etc...." 

Which one you like? What you are fancy AEP, GBB, GNB etc.... 1911? M92, Glock etc....


Search forum as well there are tonnes on useful info for example this topic as you have asked for TM:


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Pistols are as much about the look as they are function from what I gather... Also, do you shoot more using your left hand? I'm a lefty and have found on a lot of pistols (glocks, 1911 and barrata especially) the mag release is in just the "right" place for my finger to accidentally press it... 


I don't have a lot of experience with pistols, but for what it is worth I love my WE Little bird as the blow back feels awesome on it. However it is not very gas efficient... I picked mine up for £90 brand new. Came with two mags and various sizes of back straps. The WE Big Bird is around the same price, but doesn't come with the smaller mag (which means you don't need a spacer when using the full sized mags). Can also be picked up for around £100 I think.

My TM MK23 is just new (costs more than your £100 guide though), but I love it for being sneaky and using the pistol at longer ranges than normal cqb. 


Best bet is to go visit a large airsoft shop and pick up as many kinds as you can. See what feels comfortable to you. Or ask around at a game day.

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Anything TM will serve you well. Might need more that £100 unless you bought second hand 

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You should be able to track down some TM pistols on the forums for your budget, or look at Fire Support who will sell you a new one for just a wee bit more. 


But generally, you can't go wrong with a TM, just a case of finding one you like. 

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Gas pistols look and feel great, but I wouldn't rule out AEPs for function.


You can pick up (e.g.) a CYMA CM.127 G17 for the princely sum of £45 from gunfire, add a Laylax spring from Eagle6 for £10 to bring it up to ~240fps, wire it for 7.4V 300mAh LiPo cells for the price of some wire and a connector and £5 per battery, slap in a 100 round extended mid cap mag, and have something that's surprisingly usable as a primary for CQB, or a full auto spray-and-pray backup in woodland.


But... gas looks and feels better. ;)

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