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Some people should not be allowed to tech...

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Took apart a locked up TM MP5, apparently a “gun tech”(if you can call them that) owned this before me.


So you can imagine my surprise when I find 4 different types of connected from the battery to the gearbox, and no fuse. Needless to say the internals where in poor shape too( no photos as I didn’t take any).


I am not a gun tech by any stretch of the word, I am an amateur, but even my work isn’t THAT bad.


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Apologies if I confused you but it was a recent purchase. Previous owner was a gun tech. First time out it locked up, there are so many issues with it, have sorted 4 today( locked box, shimming, Dropped wire, and bucking torn). But looks like I need a new selector plate too, as it fires fine in semi but won’t fire in auto.


If something looks to good to be true, it usually is you know. Why I didn’t take my own advice is beyond me.

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2 minutes ago, Prisce said:

Apologies if I confused you but it was a recent purchase. Previous owner was a gun tech. First time out it locked up, there are so many issues with it, have sorted 4 today( locked box, shimming, Dropped wire, and bucking torn). But looks like I need a new selector plate too, as it fires fine in semi but won’t fire in auto.


If something looks to good to be true, it usually is you know. Why I didn’t take my own advice is beyond me.


Sounds like more trouble than it's worth. Still, could be a decent project gun to work on. How much did you pay for it if you don't mind me asking? Was it listed as spares/repairs or something? 

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It was up at £100, but I knocked the guy down to £50 and met him half way. See what I mean too cheap to be true. It was sold as working, and it did work for about 3 seconds.  It is indeed a project gun, along with the umpteen other project guns. Should really start selling some.

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3 minutes ago, Prisce said:

It was up at £100, but I knocked the guy down to £50 and met him half way. See what I mean too cheap to be true. It was sold as working, and it did work for about 3 seconds.  It is indeed a project gun, along with the umpteen other project guns. Should really start selling some.


Ah. That's a shame. Oh well.. if you've got anything going cheap I'd be interested. I need something I don't have to worry about breaking to learn with.

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52 minutes ago, Prisce said:

Apologies if I confused you but it was a recent purchase. Previous owner was a gun tech. First time out it locked up, there are so many issues with it, have sorted 4 today( locked box, shimming, Dropped wire, and bucking torn). But looks like I need a new selector plate too, as it fires fine in semi but won’t fire in auto.


If something looks to good to be true, it usually is you know. Why I didn’t take my own advice is beyond me.

Ah right okay, still any gun of a gun tech shouldn't have such dodgy/inefficient wiring, what does the rest of the gearbox look like? Tbf £50 is a good deal on a TM MP5 but should still work if sold as so! 

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Gearbox isn’t too bad now, there has been no mods to it, it’s all standard. So no AoE correction, plastic piston, plastic bushings and unshimmed( apart from factory) Work in progress thing, it will breath life again. 


What really annoyed me was there are 4 cross head screws and 4 t10 torx screws on the Gb.

Easiest way to wind up an engineer right there.


Im just going to buy some 16AWG cable and rewire the lot, blade fuse too, not entirely sure what size to go with yet.

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4 minutes ago, Prisce said:

Gearbox isn’t too bad now, there has been no mods to it, it’s all standard. So no AoE correction, plastic piston, plastic bushings and unshimmed( apart from factory) Work in progress thing, it will breath life again. 


What really annoyed me was there are 4 cross head screws and 4 t10 torx screws on the Gb.

Easiest way to wind up an engineer right there.


Im just going to buy some 16AWG cable and rewire the lot, blade fuse too, not entirely sure what size to go with yet.

Oh right so he just messed up the wires, luckily he didnt have a go at the gearbox then XD Seems like someone may of been fibbing about the tech job, I dont personaly know any tech who wouldnt open up a new gun and at least replace plastic bushings, shim the thing and correct the AoE. God mixed screws, I feel the pain! Sounds like a good plan, once running the TM Mp5's can be incredible, I still own an old Mp5 SD, completely stock (apart from new piston and bushings + servicing from our guys) and runs like a dream, use as a back up as it is very reliable and the range is lovely considering the fairy dust in the hop up! 

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2 hours ago, Prisce said:

Im just going to buy some 16AWG cable and rewire the lot, blade fuse too, not entirely sure what size to go with yet.


If you are going 16 awg and are sub 350 fps a 20 or 25A fuse should serve you fine, a DC motor will always draw higher initially but the fuse wont blow.


Test it out with a few spares, start with the 20A (because technically speaking that wire is rated for upto 20A continuous) and spam it in Semi, if it doesn't blow your golden and you've got the correct max fuse for cable size. You can try the 25A is you have issues, if it blows that then something up with gearbox / motor.

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