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More idiots bringing a bad name to airsoft

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Just was doing my usual daily news surfing and stumbled upon this story where 2 teenagers robbed people using a gbb pistol because "they were desperate for cannabis" I really worry that idiots like these are going to get airsoft guns banned!



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Given that the pellets got embedded deeply enough to require surgery, I'd guesstimate that was a .177"/4.5mm steel BB gun rather than an airsoft pistol.  Could be wrong, and not that it'll matter if the Daily Rant decides to run with a "lethal scourge" shriek-story.

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1 hour ago, Rogerborg said:

Given that the pellets got embedded deeply enough to require surgery, I'd guesstimate that was a .177"/4.5mm steel BB gun rather than an airsoft pistol.  Could be wrong, and not that it'll matter if the Daily Rant decides to run with a "lethal scourge" shriek-story.


It says in the article a gas powered bb gun and unregulated at close range with steel bbs it could easily lodge. I just can't believe the stupidity of some people. Might as Well use a water pistol, at least then you won't get section 5 offence 

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Their victims are probably lucky they didn't use a water pistol full of acid.


I know that sooner or later some government looking for a quick PR boost will "ban" toy guns (again), but I'm hopeful that the realistic worst case will be the Scotch airgun situation where they're licensed. That would actually be clearer than the current guilty-by-default situation for RIFs.  Let's hope it's a long time coming.

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47 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

Their victims are probably lucky they didn't use a water pistol full of acid.


Given the city of the attacks they were lucky it wasn't a real gun really... Absolute stupidity on the teens part.


Regardless of the gun used and the bbs in it... It's ridiculous to see that he actually fired it point blank at someone's face... On two occasions...

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1 hour ago, LightningCh said:


Given the city of the attacks they were lucky it wasn't a real gun really... Absolute stupidity on the teens part.


Regardless of the gun used and the bbs in it... It's ridiculous to see that he actually fired it point blank at someone's face... On two occasions...


Let's face it the douche is robbing places with a RIF... not exactly the best Mensa candidate.

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Having been shot in the face at close range by a GBB at The Mall a few year back I would seriously doubt that they used an airsoft gun.  The plastic BB didn't penetrate my skin, but did break the surface causing it to bleed.  Given the size of the 4.5mm steel BBs used in CO2 airguns then actual penetration is much more likely, as per the story.  Sales of air weapons of any sort are still illegal to under 18s, so I doubt they came by theirs legally.



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Being a lover and shooter of ALL types of guns, I will say People like that give all guns a bad reputation, they have it already so it's just going to add to the fire isn't it, I am not looking forward to seeing what this year has to bring our shooting sport/hobby, that's for sure.. Little tw@ts..


ATB Marc 

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