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Ingram Mac10

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Hi all


I am looking for a word or advice. 

Mac10 is it worth looking at?


I saw several manufactured made them and all seems to have some issues? KWA made latest iteration with NS2 gas system.


Also I saw Well G11 and G11-A1 (not sure the difference between them) for a good price.


Now which one is worth getting? Has anyone had Well? Are the going to last at least a bit or they fall apart in 2 games time?


Are mags really sooo leaky?....


Thank you all 

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I thought about JG funny enough AEP is more expensive than GBB!? 

Also rate of fire is not the best on standard battery and LiPo mods are bit difficult to find.

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I can't vouch for the gas ones, but I'd avoid the JG AEP one if it's anything like the one I had. Performance out of the box is pretty poor, I'd say mine had an effective range of about 25m tops. Past that I'd be arcing the shots to hit anyone. ROF, range and accuracy all bad for a gun that's bigger than some full-gearbox'd AEGs (MP5K for example). I sold mine after one game!

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I have an ASG (rebranded KWA/KSC Im led to believe) GBB one, and I absolutely love it. Its a phenomenal gun that never fails to put a smile on your face when you pull it out and BRRRRRT the entire mag empty in 2 seconds. Its RoF is ludicrous, its accurate, has a decent range too. Its a superb CQB gun. 


However Ive not used it in about 6 months? Why? Because its broke and now impossible to find spare parts for. First of all the loading nozzle shattered (a common flaw with the stock plastic ones when you use them on full auto excessively, and lets be honest, excessive full auto is the entire point of this gun!), that wasnt so difficult to replace - theres plenty of aftermarket spares including a magnesium lightweight one. However one of the small springs in the blowback unit on mine got mangled up and destroyed, and as a result it now wont cycle, finding a replacement for this spring has proven next to impossible, as KWA/KSC have discontinued this gun and no longer make any spares for it, so all spares are either 3rd party or 2nd hand. 



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If you have the spring still @Tiercel, contact Goss Springs in Epping , they’ll probably be able to make you one. Wouldn’t be able to tell you what sorta money you looking at, but they make all sorts.

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They come in a pair, I have one of them still thats undamaged. 


Basically what I need is this: https://www.milspecsolutions.co.uk/fg-airsoft-kwa-ksc-mp9-nozzle-springs.html  


but those are for the MP9 and I have no idea if theyre the same size or will fit. For £9 its probably worth a pop and see if they fit or close enough. I imagine getting a single spring custom made will be prohibitively expensive or they simply wont be interested in the time & effort involved for such a small order. 

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