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SRS Sniper rifle discussion

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Hey everyone. I'm posting this as it's my 21st soon and my parents have told me they'll get me a sniper set up. Bearing in mind this will be my first sniper, I was hoping you lot could help me by answering some questions or just telling me about your own :)

The best snipers?

The best scopes?

Since springers are cheapest, are they reliable?

Is there anywhere that'll upgrade the fps for me? (Not really a technical person :p)

Are there many snipers which have an fps limit of 500 or maybe just under?

What kind of attachments are good for them?

And of course, any other advice you can give is much appreciated. Thanks for your help.

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You have a lot of catching up to do. These questions were answered a million times before, search for them in the forum.

Tell your parents to get ready to spend £400-£500 for that RIF. The cheap ones are used as base to build on. Get the Silverback SRS if you don't want to do the upgrade yourself (and you shouldn't because that requires mad skills to do properly), the SSG24 if you believed the youtube videos of nowritch, or the Amoeba Striker or A&K M24 if you want to use it on one game and then sell it with not much loss. Buy the cheap ones if you want to use it on one game, break it and throw it away.

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3 hours ago, JeniusJustin said:

Hey everyone. I'm posting this as it's my 21st soon and my parents have told me they'll get me a sniper set up. Bearing in mind this will be my first sniper, I was hoping you lot could help me by answering some questions or just telling me about your own :)

The best snipers?

The best scopes?

Since springers are cheapest, are they reliable?

Is there anywhere that'll upgrade the fps for me? (Not really a technical person :p)

Are there many snipers which have an fps limit of 500 or maybe just under?

What kind of attachments are good for them?

And of course, any other advice you can give is much appreciated. Thanks for your help.

First time at Airsoft or just first ‘sniper’ set up?

just to gauge whether you may be limiting yourself to a specific style of gameplay before you’ve really tried the others, only to find out that you are massively underwhelmed.

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2 hours ago, Sako said:

First time at Airsoft or just first ‘sniper’ set up?

just to gauge whether you may be limiting yourself to a specific style of gameplay before you’ve really tried the others, only to find out that you are massively underwhelmed.

Just a sniper set up, been aiesofting for about a year now :)

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6 hours ago, Samurai said:

You have a lot of catching up to do. These questions were answered a million times before, search for them in the forum.

Tell your parents to get ready to spend £400-£500 for that RIF. The cheap ones are used as base to build on. Get the Silverback SRS if you don't want to do the upgrade yourself (and you shouldn't because that requires mad skills to do properly), the SSG24 if you believed the youtube videos of nowritch, or the Amoeba Striker or A&K M24 if you want to use it on one game and then sell it with not much loss. Buy the cheap ones if you want to use it on one game, break it and throw it away.

Yeah they've said since it's a special birthday, £500 is the budget. From what I've seen I think the 2 biggest options are the Ssg24 or the vsr 10, but only if i can get someone to upgrade that for me. 

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If you want something "unique" get a vsr10 and a mancraft sdik hpa cylinder..

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SRS is best bang for your buck as Samurai recommends. Im eyeing up one at some point.

Personally, I got myself a Well MB01 second hand and got stuck in straight away with upgrades (Mainly due to the previous owner really didnt know what he was doing). Sniper rifles require a good fettle to get them working how you want to. 

So you can either splash the cash and get a decent gun off the bat or go cheap and upgrade away and possibly get a gun firing as decent as a SRS, SSG for a lot less.

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Personally I think a good idea would be the TM VSR 10, then take it to Sniper parts UK in Sheffield (or post), as they have an upgrade service for it, which is about £250 I believe and you’ll get a really decent sniper, certainly better than a stock srs.


Dont worry too much about scopes, it’s not a .338 precision rifle, patrol base sell some good looking scopes for about 40-50 quid and then there’s always ebay, I’ve always managed to dig out decent deals, as at the end of the day you’re only use it to zoom in maybe 3-4x to see where your BB pellet is landing, so it doesn’t need to be a LaRue.

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Is actually recommend looking at the classifieds. A lot of part/fully upgraded sniper rifles selling for less than your budget, quite a lot less, and then if there is anything wrong with it, you can use the money to fix it. 


On a seperate note, I do know of two fully upgraded snipers for sale(both owners have just purchased SRS Silverbacks, one is a Modify M24 upgraded with mostly SSG parts, fires better than my SSG. The other is a M40, run by an old tech)  If you or anyone else is interested I can provide their phone nos for you to contact as they are not on the forums. I know both very well so can vouch for them if needs be!

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8 hours ago, Pritch said:

Personally I think a good idea would be the TM VSR 10, then take it to Sniper parts UK in Sheffield (or post), as they have an upgrade service for it, which is about £250 I believe and you’ll get a really decent sniper, certainly better than a stock srs.


Dont worry too much about scopes, it’s not a .338 precision rifle, patrol base sell some good looking scopes for about 40-50 quid and then there’s always ebay, I’ve always managed to dig out decent deals, as at the end of the day you’re only use it to zoom in maybe 3-4x to see where your BB pellet is landing, so it doesn’t need to be a LaRue.

Agree on the scope comment, a cheap scope is all that’s needed as it isn’t required to deal with recoil, nor does a toy gun pose any real chance of achieving MOA accuracy in any true repeatable fashion.

A cheap air rifle intended scope such as something manufactured by Hawke should be ideal. Consider fixed mag and an obj lens dia of around 42mm, so a 4x42 would be ideal (even 4x40).

these will provide a clearer image and depth of field than a cheap mag scope can achieve, not to mention the non requirement for variable mag on a gun that’s useable range is extremely short.

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1 hour ago, Prisce said:

Is actually recommend looking at the classifieds. A lot of part/fully upgraded sniper rifles selling for less than your budget, quite a lot less, and then if there is anything wrong with it, you can use the money to fix it. 


On a seperate note, I do know of two fully upgraded snipers for sale(both owners have just purchased SRS Silverbacks, one is a Modify M24 upgraded with mostly SSG parts, fires better than my SSG. The other is a M40, run by an old tech)  If you or anyone else is interested I can provide their phone nos for you to contact as they are not on the forums. I know both very well so can vouch for them if needs be!

What kind of prices are you doing they looking for, for the 2nd hand snipers? Sounds decent if it can fit into my budget

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Erm the M24: I’d say £350 and it comes with 4 mags, a sling, all original parts, an m150 spring and a stock pouch. (Quote from owner) 


The M40: 

Hi mate I’m after £400, won’t take any lower, here’s a breakdown of everything in it:

M40: £270 http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft/asg-vfc-mcmillan-m40a3-sniper-rifle-olive-drab.htm#.Wm3TzGKnyEc

Upgrade kit: £170 http://wolfarmouries.co.uk/asg-m150-upgrade-kit-for-asw338lm-m40a3.html

Mags x 6: £10 each http://airsoftzone.co.uk/20rnd-magazine-for-m40a3-spring-sniper-rifle-asg

Barrel: £30 http://www.bullseyecountrysport.co.uk/action-army-stainless-steel-barrel-601-vsr-10-430mm-14292-p.asp

Bucking: £7.50 http://www.milspecsolutions.co.uk/Maple-Leaf-Decepticon-Hop-Rubber-75-Degree.html?search=maple

Spring: £10 https://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vsr-10-Spring-M125-Sniper-Airsoft-Spring-Element-IN0107/322163939647?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&_mwBanner=1&epid=1943490822

Silencer adaptor: £12 http://wolfarmouries.co.uk/asg-mcmillan-m40a3-silencer-adaptor-14mm-ccw.html

Total = £549.50

(quote from owner)


Like I say, I’m not seller, I can put you in contact with the owners via PM if you, or anyone else, is interested.

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Be prepared to spend £500 on a sniper.


I would recommend a semi-auto sniper over a spring sniper if your local sites allow 500fps semi like DMR. You can get a good one set up for £600.

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After everyone's advice and some research, I am heading towards a silberback SRS even though it's a bit over budget.

However I'm new to sniping, so I was wondering which version of the SRS would be best and the difference between each model and barrel lengths.

I know longbow will set everything up for me for £20 and I think skirmshop give a 5% discount for forum members. Any other sites? 

At the moment I'm thinking of going for the 22inch with 2 basic mods, the fast hop up and a replacement spring.

I was going to have the limit set as close to 500fps as possible, as this is what my local skirmish site has on snipers. I was also wondering what kind of weight for the BB's i'll be looking at using.

Again, all help is much appreciated. -Thanks.

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go for the sport, it is a 20" barrel and is £100 cheaper than the 16". Use Geoff's 0.43g BBs, FAST hop and PDI inner barrel, I currently use an M150 spring, but you may want to try an M160. I've fitted a 420mm PDI inner barrel on my Sport, and then internally suppressed the remainder of the outer barrel. Go Skirmshop UK, they are really good guys.

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