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How to buy legit BDU?

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26 minutes ago, Beowulf said:

Hello! I was wondering where I could buy legit BDU? Can I just walk into a military base and ask? lol

Definately not walk in and ask - you should be told to go away, but if you managed to get any then that would then be coming out of the ‘back door’ of the QMs and would be stolen.


There is usually a soldier somewhere selling used clothing that has gone through the exchange box.  99% of the time nobody gets into trouble, but the RMP do eventually track down the worst offenders.

These exchange boxes when full are sent off under the disposals contracts and become legitimate army surplus


Car boot sales & ebay - ex soldiers sell the kit they have left over after they have left.

Depending on the item they should be handing this in,  or be keeping it for their Regular Reserve commitment 




On a pedantic note - BDU Battle Dress Uniform is the style of combat uniform worn by the US before being replaced by ACU Army Combat Uniform

If you’re after genuine American BDU then it’s getting old, if you’re after genuine ‘combat clothing’ then you need an army surplus shop, which will be selling a mixture of new commercial copies and genuine surplus.


Other than the labels and condition you can often tell from where in the shop and how it’s dispayed.

New commercial items hung on clothes rails neatly and generally sorted by type of item / size.

Surplus items bunched together on rails, or bundled in boxes at the back of the shop or upstairs,





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I would love for you to ask at a base... film it please :) 


But surplus gear is not hard/expensive to find, im surprised to had to ask.

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Im specifically looking for SWEDISH M90 DESERT CAMO.

Found two online (Tac-Up Gear and Nordic Armygross) stores but out of stock for my sizes :(


If you find a a store please link it here!


I heard that the legit ones have three crowns in the tag. Lookout for it!

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6 minutes ago, Beowulf said:

Im specifically looking for SWEDISH M90 DESERT CAMO.

Found two online (Tac-Up Gear and Nordic Armygross) stores but out of stock for my sizes :(


If you find a a store please link it here!


I heard that the legit ones have three crowns in the tag. Lookout for it!



I think the major part of your issue is that you've picked a fairly obscure camo...

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7 minutes ago, Beowulf said:

What do you mean?


When you originally posted you asked for genuine BDU's. Most people (myself included) probably assumed that you were looking for the more popular colours and couldn't seem to see why you were struggling.


Swedish desert camo isn't something you see very often on airsofters so you'll be limited in choice as to where you'll be able to get hold of them.


If you wanted standard M90 then Flecktarn stocks genuine surplus https://www.flecktarn.co.uk/swcct1na.html



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4 minutes ago, Lozart said:

Having said that, an extra 30 seconds on google turned up these: https://armygross.se/en/clothing/m90-clothing/a-nordic-army-m90k-byxa-desert/


As I already mentione,  I saw this site already. I was just seeing if other people had different stores they found since google search results are somewhat different in each country

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1 minute ago, Beowulf said:


As already I mentioned I saw this site already. I was just seeing if other people had different stores they found since google search results are somewhat different in each country


SOrry, missed the bit where you mentioned that you'd seen that store!


As I say though, not many people in the UK are looking to do Swedish Desert impressions. Shame because it looks cool.

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1 minute ago, Lozart said:


SOrry, missed the bit where you mentioned that you'd seen that store!


As I say though, not many people in the UK are looking to do Swedish Desert impressions. Shame because it looks cool.


Thats why Im intensively searching ;)

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