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My First Airsoft Gun

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okay so i have a decent enough budget which makes it really tough to narrow down my choices due to my lack of knowledge :D (get ukara next month so am still doing research)

I have got a selection that i am looking at as i like them all in style but i could use some advice from you guy, already steering away from upper end G&G now thanks to advice :P


I don't know how hard it is to change a spring to get some of them under 350fps or the reputation of certain brands ^^ and if some types of gun are just too much effort for a newbie.

not sure on batteries or how good accessories are for these guns.


Currently i am looking at and doing more research on these guns (with links) (i say circa because i might be able to get them elsewhere these are just links) fps taken from sites so not gospel.

I couldn't find a decent full size wood non electric blowback AK for around this price so if i want an AK i might get a cheaper cyma as a back up gun in the future (maybe xmas) 


Krytac MK II Trident M4 SPR Circa £340  Upto 350fps

VFC Avalon Calibur Carbine  Circa £275 400 fps 

LCT G3A3 Circa £300 420 fps



The first two seem pretty decent and common the G3 seems very new? so im not sure what that's like but it looks cool as fk.  As you might tell i like decent length guns and i play on a woodland/field site with little to no CQB on it. I might get a smaller secondary weapon if i don't get an AK or just get a pistol 

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Finally someone made a "what to get for my first gun?" thread. It's about time!


as nobody has made one of these threads before, it should probably be made into a sticky. That way, there'll be a handy guide for newcomers thinking about buying their first airsoft gun. 

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forgive me as i may be too dense to get all of the information on these three guns from the stickied post


"If you have a set budget above £200 to £300, any AEG will do. Consider Krytac AEG's as they're very well shimmed and have excellent air compression. If you like realism, try gas blowback rifles such as WE/GHK/KJWorks, the WE's will definitely require upgrading for long-term use, also consider HPA use for consistency (or Tippman M4's). If you don't like the idea of buying gas but still want the realism, consider the Marui recoil shock series or CTW's."


if you would so kind as to point me to the thread/area that discusses these particular guns and if any of them should be avoided as a new player then i can leave this area for more important discussions 

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for M4 I suggest Krytac CRB or SPR, as mentioned by Samurai, Barrel length does't give much. 

Krytac's SPR,CRB & PDW will all perform almost identical. 


I went with CRB and don't regret it one bit. I'm sure other Krytac owners will say the same. 

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Krytac have a good reputation as being great out of the box

The LCT AKs are liked by a few on this forum.

Havent heard anything about the VFC.


I would consider looking at the TM NGRS series with that sort of budget, you may not be able to get something brand new, but you may be able to get a real nice bundle second hand for around the £400 mark. I have 2 TM RS AEGs and haven't found anything that works better or puts a bigger smile on my and those around me faces.


I wouldn't rule out the top end G&G guns either, they may not be the best around but they are by far the worse!

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Krytacs have been discussed to death on here, searching will bring up more threads than you will want to read.


There are no guns unsuitable for a newbie as long as you know how to maintain your gun, the shop should help otherwise a million youtube videos almost certainly exists showing you how to clean and even use the gun.


Accessories and batteries are universal, again a million makes and models for each thing you could want to bolt on. This will come with experience, there cannot physically be a guide or any reasonable help on accessories as options are vast.


Personally if I had your budget I would get the krytac.

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I am leaning towards the Krytac for now. The Avalon does come with a case but i think the delivery charges from Red wolf even after selecting the uk site total 100 dollars. I would love the G3A3 as well but the cost of delivery and changing the spring to suit 350fps is maybe too much work for the first gun :P 


Surplus Store is about an hours drive away if the traffic is good so it might be worth me going down there to make sure i have a correct battery etc for a krytac rather than have it delivered but the delivery is free.


I do like the look of the longer styles of gun over the short ones

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If you buy the krytac you wont need to change anything. 


Longer/shorter makes no real odds other than the look, only reason I went for a short Raider when I started is I played a lot of cqb at the time.

Have a Krytac SPR for outdoors and its amazing!


For batteries and chargers a lot of us on here use component shop (online) reasonable and usually have good stock levels.

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Krytac seem to be out of stock everywhere but i stil have a month to go before i can buy one so maybe they will get back in stock :D


The SPR trident is listed at around £330-340 


If i am unable to get a krytac are all the guns around that price pretty good or are some to be avoided? The Ares Ameoba is a bit cheaper and there are a few G&P models more expensive than the krytac so they might be good. Im a newb so im not sure what im looking at mostly :D 

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On 21/09/2017 at 2:15 PM, Osiris said:

forgive me as i may be too dense to get all of the information on these three guns from the stickied post


"If you have a set budget above £200 to £300, any AEG will do. Consider Krytac AEG's as they're very well shimmed and have excellent air compression. If you like realism, try gas blowback rifles such as WE/GHK/KJWorks, the WE's will definitely require upgrading for long-term use, also consider HPA use for consistency (or Tippman M4's). If you don't like the idea of buying gas but still want the realism, consider the Marui recoil shock series or CTW's."


if you would so kind as to point me to the thread/area that discusses these particular guns and if any of them should be avoided as a new player then i can leave this area for more important discussions 

It's now one of the top threads it's called ££-£££

something like that.

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yeah that thread has no info in this price range. 

The Krytac Trident mk2 spr is sold out pretty much everywhere so my main question is this, Krytacs cost around £330-400 and are considered some of the best AEGs outside of the expensive TMs.

But what makes them better than other brands rifles that sell for the same if not more? Are they really that much better than say a E&L ELAR MK18 MOD1 M4 which is £379 or the Ares Amoeba pro km15 that sells for £390.

I'm assuming any of these guns would be pretty sweet for my first gun but is the Krytac worth waiting for new stock or trying to track one down?

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