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Hi I'm just getting into airsoft, I have just purchased my first AEG which is a g&g cm16 raider, not a really high end gun but it's okay since I'm just starting. Either way I just want some advice as to what you all think I should replace first, not really bothered about the gun being madly accurate or powerful, I just want to get it to a decent standard of reliability. Obviously the stock out the box version of the gun isnt as good as it could be. So what would you all recommended sorting first, thankyou.

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I'm new too but I'd suggest to just enjoy it as is for now.  Get a feel for it after a few games and then you'll have a better idea of what needs improving.  Or wait until something breaks.

From similar posts the advice has been to keep it standard and buy a better weapon before getting into modding...

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Leave it be.


The best advice we can give you is use good quality BBs, preferably .25g or .28g, keep the barrel clean and use a 7.4v lipo. 

(Perhaps convert to deans also)


Then save the money you would spend on upgrading the G&G and buy a higher end gun/ the design you want and modify it.


The CM16 is great out of the box, and any mods you do to it aren't likely to improve its reliability or effectiveness.

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.28's are good, but I seem to come across many CQB sites where the limit is .25. So depends where you want to play as to what you can use. On the outdoor parts I certainly felt I was getting better stability with 28's

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If you're exclusively playing CQB, I'd put in a lower powered spring like an SP85 or SP90, but only if you're feeling disappointed with the ROF and don't want to spend shedloads doing stuff to a motor that's already decent out the box for its price.


Play some more first, then you can ask yourself your question and you'll already know the answer. 

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I got  mine a  couple  of weeks or so ago. I was two small but cheap extras 

I got an angled fore grip and red dot sight

 Was about 20 for the pair.  Just a heads up ( because it made me panic) on my one  on semi auto  sometimes the  trigger get stuck And you have to swap to auto for a shot to clear it. Spoke to couple of people  including my shop an he said he normal and should stop itself once it broken in a bit 

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