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Looking for a Holster to fit

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Hello, so as any of you who have seen my other posts know I am new to the sport, so my gear is currently quite basic.

I am currently running a cheap drop leg holster, the gun (Storm Airsoft Arsenal Glock 17 Gen 4) fits in it fine and is held securely, however, due to the shape of the holster it is really very difficult to get it back into the holster once drawn, it kinda requires two hands, one to tug on the back of the holster and guide the trigger guard in, and the other putting the pistol in (obviously), so I want to get a nicer, retention type holster, preferably on a low ride belt system rather than a drop leg, as I have never been particularly happy with ho low it sits, but don't like standard belt mounted, or paddle holsters (too high for my comfort).

Normally I would just have a look around, find one for a price I am happy with and purchase it, HOWEVER, many things I have read tell me that the SAA Glock 17 Gen 4 is not the same size as a RS Glock 17 Gen 4, or a TM or WE etc. so I don't want to go to the hassle of buying a holster to only have to send it back because the pistol doesn't fit in it properly.


Does anyone have a SAA Glock17 Gen 4 (I know there is a review on here of one, but it is from Jan 2016 and I did post on there to ask what holsters the reviewer uses and have had no reply, so I guess he no longer comes on here), any help gratefully received, ideally I am looking at the £50 and below range (although if I wait a few months I could push myself to a genuine Safariland)

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For the £50 range, I'd recommend Safariland GLS. I got one recently for a glock 19, and I have to say it really is the dogs b*llocks.

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That's great, but do you know if it will fit my one? That is my main issue, I have reports that the VFC/SAA Glock 17's are closer in size to a Glock 21, which if that is true means a difference of 2.5mm in width, which though not considerable is enough to warrant a retention holster useless.

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18 minutes ago, CARBr6 said:

That's great, but do you know if it will fit my one? That is my main issue, I have reports that the VFC/SAA Glock 17's are closer in size to a Glock 21, which if that is true means a difference of 2.5mm in width, which though not considerable is enough to warrant a retention holster useless.

The GLS is designed to fit all different shapes and sizes, so it's far more likely to fit your glock than other firearm-specific holsters. For example. My GLS is for a glock 19, but also easily adjusts to fit my Walther PPQ, and while it looks a bit funky, will also adjust to hold my big Kimber 1911. Have a look online for the PDF with the size charts.

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Excellent. Thanks, I'll take a look then, I am a fan of Safariland and prefer the GLS system to the ALS system

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13 minutes ago, CARBr6 said:

Excellent. Thanks, I'll take a look then, I am a fan of Safariland and prefer the GLS system to the ALS system


ALS is very unlikely to fit. It wouldn't fit my WE Glock. I think you might get away with a TM, but you probably only have a millimeter of leeway in the ejection port dimensions for the ALS to work. The GLS adjusts with retention in the trigger guard. If you're anywhere near Stevenage, you're welcome to try mine to see if it's a fit before you buy.




I have the 578 which is the paddle/belt loop combo. Paddle is really comfy and well shaped though.

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Sadly I am no t very near to Stevenage.

Do you know if the 577 GLS is compatible with the "6075UBL Low-Ride Universal Belt Loop" (I know it says universal, but the Americans say a lot of stuff is universal or global and it isnt'!

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I think Safariland use the same attachment system for belt loops and paddles and stuff. It's only 1 inch difference between the belt loop and the low ride belt loop though. I'd buy the 578 first then see if you need a lower belt attachment. I got mine off Amazon.co.uk (which is easy in case I need to return it for whatever reason). Make sure you get the right size for your gun though.


If you're using a belt, I'd recommend a gun belt or reinforcing it somehow to stop it sagging with the weight by the way.



This is the one that will work with a GLS.


By the way, I'd get the 578 as opposed to the 577. Comes with a paddle that way as well.

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Jeez, @AshOnSnow, you are taking my job! OP, all Safariland mounts, holsters, and pouches utilize the same 5 hole pattern (well, it's a set of 3 and a set of 2, but I digress), so one of the Safariland UBLs will work on the GLSs (source, me. I work with Safariland). Just FYI, only TMs and VFCs fit in ALS models as far as we know. 

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2 hours ago, SeniorSpaz87 said:

Jeez, @AshOnSnow, you are taking my job! OP, all Safariland mounts, holsters, and pouches utilize the same 5 hole pattern (well, it's a set of 3 and a set of 2, but I digress), so one of the Safariland UBLs will work on the GLSs (source, me. I work with Safariland). Just FYI, only TMs and VFCs fit in ALS models as far as we know. 

What can I say? I'm good at selling products I like and use myself.



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9 hours ago, SeniorSpaz87 said:

 (source, me. I work with Safariland).

@SeniorSpaz87 Really? That's perfect then, I have more questions. In regards to the 577 and the 579, what is the difference in ride height with those two? Presumably it wouldn't be much? 

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Okay. I've been looking about a bit and I have noticed that Fubar Bundy does a replica GLS holster. Has anybody used one or tried one? What is the quality like? It's half the price of the real deal Safariland, but considering that this is a hobby and it won't be used that much I think it could be worth it rather than shelling out £50 for something that will get used once every few weeks/months

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On 8/3/2017 at 9:43 AM, CARBr6 said:

Okay. I've been looking about a bit and I have noticed that Fubar Bundy does a replica GLS holster. Has anybody used one or tried one? What is the quality like? It's half the price of the real deal Safariland, but considering that this is a hobby and it won't be used that much I think it could be worth it rather than shelling out £50 for something that will get used once every few weeks/months


I know what you're saying, but think carefully. I have a knock off Safariland that I used to use with my M9. It's not as good, nowhere near. If you take that into account and don't expect it to work as well then at least you're going in with your eyes open.

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I don't see the point in buying a knock off GLS. Sure, clones can be useful if you're wanting something that usually retails far far above the Airsoft-intended gear - like a red dot or illuminated scope - but the GLS systems are only 5 pints more expensive than a Nuprol serpa one.

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Indeed, a genuine Fobus is pretty damn cheap too!

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Damn you guys and your ridiculous and expensive logic!

Just tested my gun in a Safariland 6005 and it's a great fit and a great holster so that's £100 gone!!

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On 04/08/2017 at 3:31 PM, CARBr6 said:

Just tested my gun in a Safariland 6005 and it's a great fit and a great holster so that's £100 gone!!


Haha!! Amazing what a bit of patience will do. Found the Safariland 6005 second hand for £60!!! 


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