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[Game] The Ban The Person Above You Game

Mitchell Gee
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I would ban airsoftgunner for spelling knowing as "knowig"

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I would ban Marksman for not putting a capital letter for someones name!! hahahaha

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i would ban Alex for spelling "intelligence" as "intelligance" hahahaha Grammar ###### strikes again :P

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I would ban oaw for not realising the jg g36c is IMO the best cheapish aeg on the Market.


And I do play cod most nights usually after 10pm though due to the mrs hogging the tv until then!!! Usually mw2 as black ops is sh*t. Add me and drop me a intive :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would ban Mitchell for thinking the baseball cap on his "bat" makes it look like a duck...

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i would marksman as he claims to have been trained in law, when we all know lawyers can be trusted

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Banning Da Sheriff for thinking lawyers can be trusted, when lawyer is only a few phonetic adjustments away from liar :P


(In all seriousness though, I stopped studying law because basically, a lot of the jobs in law will require you to stick up for people who you know are guilty as sin (even if they confess to you, you have to insist they're however they want to plead), I couldn't do that, so I changed to training for high-level security stuff :D

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id ban marmsman for rhinking that uploading a picture of his gunw ould give him extra kudos from forum memebers

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