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Airsofters Beware

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There is a new milsim happening called Zulu hour run by Shore Line events Ltd. Before hand he ran many paintball milsims which never happened and refunds were never given.
TIMOTHY has lied to owner of aber and even said it was his fault that not enough people signed up. So fellow AIRSOFTERS beware of Tim and stay away from Zulu hour and shoreline events.

The link in the picture

Timothy has threatened to call the police on me for harassment.
He has blocked me on facebook

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Christ that was a bloody long read.

And you want to take this guy to small claims? Sounds as if some people are due more than a few hundred quid owed.

IF and thats a big IF (beleive random post on internet) whats been said on that original forum post is true then the OP is going the entirely wrong way about putting it straight. Your evidence will be better suited going to the police, action fraud etc. Not bitching on a forum.


Edit: apologies i thought you started the topic in question. By the sounds of it this bloke jusy phoenixes businesses when they go to pot. I very much doubt anything of 'his' he actually will own and will all be on tick makong payment of money back somewhat difficult

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I don't know Finlay, but I know tim barnett...


I think rather than Finlay coming on to bitch, I believe he was trying to warn the airsoft community not to get burned by this conman.


He's had various companies1 and folded owing lots of cash2 to many people not just in the paintball world3, now paintball has had enough of him. He can't get anyone to attend his paintball events, so he's turning his hand to Airsoft under the new guise of 'Zulu Hour'.


He will promise great events with a very slick media hype machine, and deliver very little if anything at all.


How do I know tim barnett (with an intentional lack of capitalisation), we were formerly business partners. tim will come on and shout about harrasment and conspiracies against him, telling anyone who will listen that he has raised court action against the perpetrators and that its all in the hands of his solicitors/the police. That simply isn't true as I've not had a knock on the door from local police, nor have I had a letter from a solicitor asking me to cease and desist. The man's a liar! and if he wants to send me anything he has my address and I've made no effort to hide my true identity.


I know that the link to the thread on the P8nt forum is a mahoosivley long read, but I think that anyone who is thinking of attending his events should read it, and most definitely anyone who is thinking of entering into a business partnership, whoever small...


Enjoy yourselves whatever you choose to do.





1. Kings Hall Carvery & Restaurant - SY23 2AP Aberystwyth, Shoreline Paintball Ltd, Shoreline Events Ltd, Shoreline Travel Ltd, Shoreline Aberystwyth Ltd, Also traded under Bluewater Paintball etc etc.

2. The largest debt is £44,981 to Valken

3. CCJ's

01/02/14 - £387

01/01/15 £10,640

01/05/15 £2,877

01/07/15 £5,041

01/09/15 £397

01/09/16 £44,981

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That's a much easier read lol , that's a fair wack of cash. It's a shame people are allowed to set up another business when they have clearly failed to make any attempt to rectify previous debts

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You don't think people should be warned before spending their hard earned beer vouchers..?

I don't think you should be posting a list of anybodies bad debts on the internet and surely that can't be entirely legal.

It definitely looks to me like you are running a hate campaign. Don't get me wrong the guy might be a total scum bag but your behaviour isn't much better.


I agree with Proff but I am a little more to the point so....


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I don't think you should be posting a list of anybodies bad debts on the internet and surely that can't be entirely legal.

It definitely looks to me like you are running a hate campaign. Don't get me wrong the guy might be a total scum bag but your behaviour isn't much better.


I agree with Proff but I am a little more to the point so....


Now that has definitely ended this. :D

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I don't think you should be posting a list of anybodies bad debts on the internet and surely that can't be entirely legal.


It isn't.


Just in data protection alone they're heading towards a royal bollocking.

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Bullshit, CCJs records are publicly available, no data protection breach here.

CCJ's are often only referenced against the company, not who is running them. So yes, there IS a potential DP breach. Also, Public record will never contain specific details regardless, as that is only ever for relevant use by CPS.

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