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Hi im new to airsoft alltogether, do i just turn up to a skirmish and team up with someone?

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Welcome to the forums!


Please use the search. You'll get some really great and detailed answers. Start here: http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/forum/7-guides/


In short though: Book to rent your kit, show up and play. People tend to understand how hard it is to get new players into airsoft so they're pretty approachable. The ones that aren't I'd just avoid.

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Hi. Yeah you got it. Just turn up, most are a pretty friendly bunch - you'll soon find someone who'll help you out. Don't be afraid to ask questions :-) Better to go with a mate but if your name's Billy then no problem.... Enjoy

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  On 07/08/2016 at 17:46, Nayngnottz94 said:

Really aint got a clue, ive got pleanty of field experience etc. This looks quite fun, cheers


Be sure to bring gloves if they're not provided, a hand injury could put you off it big time. :)

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  On 07/08/2016 at 19:00, ImTriggerHappy said:

Only if your a bit of a girl.


Airsoft injuries should be treated like badges of honour 🤕

Also, a lot of the time, unless you're adding a lot of layers on top, it hurts pretty much just as much and for just as long with a shirt or trousers on :D may as well look macho whilst getting shot with plastic!
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