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Hi from Essex


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Hi all, new player from Essex here. Been wanting to try airsoft for years, however no friends locally would join me. Decided that its time to go skirmish anyway so ill be that loner at skirmishes . Was able to rent a shooting range and a few guns yesterday to get a feel for different weapons, how they work, loading etc. Now looking at joining a few skirmishes over the coming week. I'm lucky enough to have a CQB site and a few other non CQB sites nearby which leads me to a dilemma.


The CQB site has a fps limit of 280, the other sites appear to be 350. Do I need to purchase 2 different weapons 1 for each ?


Either way ill be taking my purchases slow, building up equipment and renting for the next 3 skirmishes at least (I want that membership). Goto pick a Molle first and some goggles, then Ill look at boots camo etc when I move from indoors (CQB) to outdoors.


Any ways im always up for chatting to locals or further afield, and if anyone local wants to take a 31 year old Airsoft Noob under their wing then thats even better!



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Welcome to the group.


I'd say consider getting your boots first.

If you rent guns your likely to get a hi cap mag for it so wont need to do any quick mag changes.

Even for CQB having good supportive boots is a must.


Goggles / glasses / mesh is a personal taste. But again, spend a bit and get a quality pair.


As for guns, probably only the TM Recoils would suit both. They chrono around 280fps but are still field able outside due to the excellent hop up. They are however expensive but in airsoft good guns aren't cheap.


The ASG Scorpion Evo has a quick change spring system so may be able to get it below 280. They are cheaper than TMs.


Other than that you may want to just stick to a good pistol.


Also, don't worry about being alone on a site. Generally everyone is friendly.


Have fun.



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Guest PT247

you don't need to.... if money isn't an issue.... just buy an ASG Scorpion Evo 3 and a spring for 280fps and another for 350fps, can swap them in under a minute.

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welcome, to the place where we like to help you spend your money :)


as above or an ICS with quick change system, get Firesupport or someone else to sort you out :)

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Hi welcome

What part of essex are you?

Hockley is the only cqb site ino of

Always boots when you go to outdoor i lost a trainer on my first airsoft, found it in the mud lol

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I live in Mid Essex and Hockley is the CQB im talking about, I checked out their range yesterday which wasn't to bad. Ill grab some boots, didn't think they would be a major priority with the indoors CQB but ill grab some now. As for rifles, i guess ill wait and see if CQB is for me. Ill also check out of skirmishes outdoors at a couple of local sites and make a weapon decision off of that. I don't know if I like the scorpion prices for my first gun.

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We do have good games there. I can't go this Sunday as working on Saturday and need one day off lol. Our first team outing will be the mall on 10th April looking forward to that one.

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Welcome to the forum.


There are some good sites in Essex.


I tend to play more in Hertfordshire or up the M11 into Suffolk these days as I live over in West Essex but Billericay is supposed to be good and AWA at Sawbridgeworth is quite a good day out if you just want to shoot.


There are some good sites in Kent, but I cant be arsed with the M25 and Dartford Bridge/Tunnel as its a bit hit and miss at weekends, especially in summer.

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I think my plan is to hit Hockley up to get my membership using their £5 rentals, then look into other sites with my own kit, Renting is far to expensive in most places. Defiantly good to see the sites around here arn't to bad, im more then happy to do the travel if the people or places are good.

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Welcome to the party!


  On 16/03/2016 at 22:22, Bencupra said:

Our first team outing will be the mall on 10th April looking forward to that one.

I'll be there on that date Ben.
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Billericay is where I go and ain't too bad

Sometimes there a few problems but what place doesn't


Once your in to airsoft you will be amazed how many places there is

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Thanks everyone, Getting some boots, get my Defence and go from there I guess. Loads of really useful reading on here which is great. :) I guess now I got to pick a Camo. I know its purely a aesthetic thing but its a tough choice.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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