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Sniper rifle parts and upgrade help

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I haven't been playing airsoft for a while now and im feeling like getting a proper sniper and giving it another go. I'm thinking about getting one of these http://www.taiwangun.com/en/sniper-rifles/bar-10-jg?from=listing&campaign-id=19 (JG Bar 10) and upgrading it properly to like 520 ish fps with a proper barrel and everything. Any of you guys know where I can buy like a good upgrade kit for it with like everything i need or some guides and other things I've looked around and I reckon it will cost 230 ish all together. I'm looking for a kit like this http://novritsch.com/product-category/tuning-kits/ without it being over priced just because its from a big youtuber.


Any help is appreciated thanks.

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You can get the "Novritch" kit cheaper if you buy direct from Ed Icban (Via Facebook), I got mine at Christmas with a whopping 30% off!


If you want to save money but still have a superb gun then I second Airsoft Pro! (Buy direct from Poland) Costs about £100 ish, Fairly easy to fit and you'll get 520fps no problem! Again as Monty has said, worth concidering a Mancraft sdik kit! It means you'll be running either co2 or HPA but it makes the set up SO much easier!

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This mancraft kit can it run of off a c02 cartridge because I wouldn't have a clue on how to fill up a hpa canister?


Yep. They sell their own Co2 adapter to work in conjunction with their regulator.

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The Sdik kit can be powered one of two ways, via a Co2 bulb in a regulator that's hidden in the stock pouch OR via an HPA tank/regulator that's worn by the user.


In terms of fitting you can fit it to a stock OR and modified gun (Modded guns tend to use 90º sears whereas a stock gun will use a 45). Just choose whichever option you require. There's a good install guide on youtube, that's really all there is to it! I run mine with an Action Army hop unit and a TM stock rubber (On a 430mm 6.03 Laylax barrel) and it works a treat!

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You post one thread about TiwanGun.com and all of a sudden everyone wants to buy from there! ;)


Seriously though, Paul and James at ASPUK really really know their stuff. Paying the extra (negligible and small IMO) premium on the price, if you're unsure of anything, is definitely worth it.

Can't recommend them enough!

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So i can just put that kit in with a new barrel and good hop up and not have to worry about a new trigger sear or anything like that as its c02 sounds like a good idea.

Doesn't require expensive 90 deg trigger or sears. Can use the stock 45 deg. Which is awesome! One of the main reasons for why I purchased it actually.


Mancraft practically covers the core of where your FPS comes from. So no piston, spring etc.


Once mancraft is installed, you can have your FPS to whatever you desire.


So after mancraft, you can go straight onto accuracy, consistency and range upgrades - barrel, hop bucking, hop unit, BIRO MOD (heh) to allow use of heavier BBs. As heavy BBs such as .4g increase accuracy hugely. Think of throwing a feather, and a rock. Hop unit, and at this point you'll have a very nice rifle ;)

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