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Please help an Airsofter out :)


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Hey guys n gals...


I work as a Youth Worker for a small Charity in North London and we have put in a funding bid, however this one relies on votes rather than the content of the work we do (which is very worthwhile).


Could you all please make a difference to my local community and young people I work with by spending 2 mins voting for us? You need to register and verify your email and then search our charity and click on vote (please use all ten votes on us). It literally takes 2 mins start to finish..





Register here: www.avivacommunityfund.co.uk


Search for: Prospex


Thanks.... B)


EDIT *******

cmon guys.. 177 views. I do hope some of the regulars could take 2 mins to help me out.

My organisation is a small local charity and we rely on donations and funding bids like these to be able to provide our services to the young people in our community.

It takes a very small time to vote but would mean so much to many if we were successful.

Our funding bids very rarely rely on votes so I wont be spamming you all with requests every week, this is a very rare occurance :)


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76 views and I do hope at least 10% of you voted.. It really will make a difference..

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Might as well

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cmon guys.. 177 views. I do hope some of the regulars could take 2 mins to help me out.


My organisation is a small local charity and we rely on donations and funding bids like these to be able to provide our services to the young people in our community.


It takes a very small time to vote but would mean so much to many if we were successful.


Our funding bids very rarely rely on votes so I wont be spamming you all with requests every week, this is a very rare occurance :)



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Registration is taking a while to validate my email but I'll put my vote in for you ASAP.

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Registration is taking a while to validate my email but I'll put my vote in for you ASAP.


One or two people are having that problem it seems, was the same with some of my email accounts ;) ... Thanks in advance tho.. Its very appreciated!!

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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