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MILSIM - What is it ?

Baz JJ

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As with anything you can go cheap and cheerful or high end. Yeah you get the guys who want all the real steel kit and pay £200 for a pair of trousers. But guaranteed they'll be stood next to someone who has spent that much on most of their kit combined including AEG. And their gaming experience will probably not be all that different.


I started with 2 loadouts, a dpm (free from my cadet days) and a ddpm (£20 from a surplus store). My PC was £40 on ebay, second hand, came with most of the pouches I needed, all but a hydration carrier. Holster was second hand about £15. That did me for most of my events fine. As Baz says, the midcaps were probably my biggest expense, but if you shop around or club together you can get a box set between 2 which really brings the cost down.


One event had SF vs generic middle eastern rebels. The brief for constructing each kit was SF, anything goes, upgrade anything you want. Rebels spend the least amount possible, including their rif, also try to remain with the look as well. So Cyma AK74 second hand, no upgrades.

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No its not expensive, You dont sleep in Okto games so you dont need military camping gear. I think one of the rebels at an earlier game was boasting about a £20 loadout, The dearest thing is buying five or six midcaps as you cant use high caps or carry loose bbs with you.

Even the MDF is only DPM so is quite cheap to meet. The game is £60 though.

An 8 hour skirmish at my local site is £30. It is no more expensive then attending 2 skirmishes.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It occurs to me that there is a big difference between the playing style of skirmishing and milsims.


Neither is wrong and many think that they are two branches of airsoft. I would beg to differ and say its the other way round.


Milsim and skirmishes are two different disciplines that share a use of airsoft in their execution.


In skirmishing, its mostly about airsoft.


In milsims, airsoft is just one of many tools.


I started off with skirmishing for about a year, played at a few different sites and then realised I was still wanting. Milsim satisfied that itch for me.


There seems to be a lot of ignorance about milsims by people who form opinions based on what they read or others say.

As there are lots of flavours of milsim, its more likely going to be an opinion of one site/game rather than anything else. A lot judge by what they read about Tier1 and Stirling. They are both at one end of the milsim scale and by no means represent all it has to offer.

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